Technical Article

Finding Procedures with a specified text


This script will give the text of all the procedures with occurences of a specifc variable. Syscomments has a limitation of 4000 characters but this script overcomes that as it uses DMO. The output is generated in a text file. If you want the name of the procedure only. replace the line where it says output.writeline (storedprocedure.text) to output.writeline( the fourth line from the end of the file.
Below are the steps for deployment
1) Copy the script below in a text file.
2) Save it as find_procedure.vbs
3) Open a command prompt and browse to the directory where the script is located.
4) It takes servername, uid, password, databasename and variable as the input parameters. Separate each value with a space. You can use double quotes for variables with space.
e.g. find_procedure.vbs server_name uid password database variable
5) The output of the script is generated in the file output.txt

dim osqlserver
dim odatabase
dim sSQLserver
dim susername
dim spassword
dim var_find
on error resume next
if wscript.arguments.count < 4 then
if err.number <> 0 then
output.writeline("Please enter all the values i.e. Servername, username, password, database. Variable name is optional")
end if
ssqlserver = wscript.arguments(0)
susername = wscript.arguments(1)
spassword = wscript.arguments(2)
sdatabase = wscript.arguments(3)
if wscript.arguments.count > 4 then
var_find = wscript.arguments(4)
var_find = ""
end if
set osqlserver = createobject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")
set odatabase = createobject("SQLDMO.database")
dim fs
set fs = createobject("Scripting.filesystemobject")
dim output
set output = fs.createtextfile("output.txt",true)
osqlserver.connect  sSQLServer, susername, spassword
if err.number <> 0 then
output.writeline("Error generated " & err.description)
end if
set odatabase = osqlserver.databases(sdatabase)
if err.number <> 0 then
output.writeline("Error generated " & err.description)
end if
for each storedprocedure in odatabase.storedprocedures
if instr(1,storedprocedure.text,var_find,1) > 0 then
output.writeline (storedprocedure.text)
end if
end if


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