Some times user request one simple command to get info about ll databases. Here is the scritp to get that info.
2018-03-19 (first published: 2018-03-15)
421 reads
umar iqbal, 2009-04-28
Some times user request one simple command to get info about ll databases. Here is the scritp to get that info.
use master go EXEC sp_MSForEachDB 'EXEC sp_helpdb ?' go
2018-03-19 (first published: 2018-03-15)
421 reads
2,253 reads
This is a quick way of outputting the location of your database files/dbsize/date created on your instance.
2010-07-02 (first published: 2010-06-06)
1,355 reads
2014-09-23 (first published: 2010-02-17)
11,435 reads
This script uses the backup tables to get info on the growth of your database files.
2013-05-07 (first published: 2009-02-03)
13,958 reads