This script returns the Duplicate indexes on any database (if any).
Compatible with SQL Server 2000 only.
Latest update Checks for possible duplications and removes them. Further, additional fields are displayed to support decision making.
This script returns the Duplicate indexes on any database (if any).
Compatible with SQL Server 2000 only.
Latest update Checks for possible duplications and removes them. Further, additional fields are displayed to support decision making.
/* Find Duplicate Indexes This script returns the Duplicate indexes on any database I use 2 User defined Functions Compatible with SQLServer 2000 (I used sp3) It won't work in SQL Server 7.0 because It uses user-defined functions and a Memory. Created by G.R. Preethiviraj Kulasingham Written on : February 20, 2003 Modified on : May 18, 2004 Additional code written to remove duplicate entries. Additional code to include index properties. */ IF EXISTS(Select id from sysobjects Where id = object_id('dbo.GetColID')) DROP FUNCTION dbo.getColID GO Create Function dbo.getColID (@TableID int, @indid int) /* Parameters: @TableID: ID of the Table @IndID : ID of the Index Returns All the Columns (ID) for the given index in string format seperated by '&'sign. '-' is added for descending keys */ Returns Varchar(200) As BEGIN Declare @SQL varchar(200) Set @SQL ='' Select @SQL= @SQL +'&'+ convert(varchar(7),((indexkey_property(id, indid, keyno, 'isdescending')*-2)+1)* colid) from sysindexkeys Where id =@Tableid and indid=@Indid Order by id, indid, Keyno IF LEN(@SQL)>1 Select @SQL = @SQL +'&' Return @SQL END GO IF EXISTS(Select id from sysobjects Where id = object_id('dbo.GetColList')) DROP FUNCTION dbo.getColList GO Create Function dbo.getColList (@Tableid int, @indid int) /* Parameters: @TableID: ID of the Table @IndID : ID of the Index Returns Index Key (column names) for the given index in string format seperated by commas. */ Returns Varchar(8000) As BEGIN Declare @SQL varchar(8000) Set @SQL ='' Select @SQL= @SQL +', '+ INDEX_Col(User_name(ObjectProperty(@TableID, 'Ownerid'))+'.'+Object_name(@TableID), @indid, keyno)+ Case indexkey_property(id, indid, keyno, 'isdescending') When 1 Then '(Desc)' Else '' end from sysindexkeys Where id =@Tableid and indid=@Indid Order by id, indid, Keyno IF LEN(@SQL)>2 Select @SQL = SUbString(@SQL, 3, LEN(@SQL)-2) Return @SQL END GO /* @TempTable is used to store the keys in long string format */ Declare @TempTable Table ( ID int , Indid int, ColID Varchar(200), Status int ) Declare @Duplicates Table ( LineID int Identity(1,1), ID int , hasClustered char(3) not null default('NO'), Indid1 int, ColID1 Varchar(200), Status1 int, Desc1 varchar(200), IndID2 int, ColID2 Varchar(200), Status2 int, Desc2 varchar(100) ) Insert into @TempTable Select Id, indid, dbo.GetColid(id, indid), status from Sysindexes where (status & 64)=0 order by id Delete @TempTable Where ColID='' Insert into @Duplicates (ID, IndID1, ColID1, Desc1, Status1, IndID2, ColID2, desc2, status2 ) Select A.ID, A.IndID, A.ColID, '', A.status, B.IndID, B.ColID, '', B.status from @Temptable A, @TempTable B Where = and a.indid<>b.indid and a.colid like b.colid +'%' --This part removes the duplicate entries. Delete @Duplicates Where LineID In ( Select A.LineID from @Duplicates A, @Duplicates B Where A.ID = B.ID and A.IndID1= B.IndID2 and A.IndID2= B.IndID1 and A.LineID>B.LineID) Delete @Duplicates Where LineID In ( Select A.LineID from @Duplicates A, @Duplicates B Where A.ID = B.ID and A.IndID1 = B.IndID2 ) -- Identify the index properties Update @Duplicates Set Desc1 =CASE status1 & 16 WHEN 0 THEN 'Nonclustered' ELSE 'Clustered' END Update @Duplicates Set Desc2 =CASE status2 & 16 WHEN 0 THEN 'Nonclustered' ELSE 'Clustered' END Declare @Desc varchar(20), @Number int Declare spt_Vals Cursor FOR Select name, number from master.dbo.spt_Values Where type ='I' and number in (1,2, 4, 32, 2048, 4096) Order by number Open spt_vals FETCH Next from spt_vals into @Desc, @Number WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS=0 BEGIN Update @Duplicates Set Desc1 = Desc1 + ', '+ @Desc where status1 & @number <>0 Update @Duplicates Set Desc2 = Desc2 + ', '+ @Desc where status2 & @number <>0 FETCH Next from spt_vals into @Desc, @Number END CLOSE spt_Vals DEALLOCATE spt_vals Update @Duplicates Set Desc1 = replace(Desc1, 'unique, primary key', 'primary key'), Desc2 = replace(Desc2, 'unique, primary key', 'primary key') Update @Duplicates Set Desc1 = replace(Desc1, 'unique, unique key', 'unique key'), Desc2 = replace(Desc2, 'unique, unique key', 'unique key') -- Identify whether table has clustered index Update @Duplicates Set HasClustered = 'YES' Where id in ( Select id From sysIndexes Where IndId=1) --Update @Duplicates Set HasClustered = 'NO' Where id in ( --Select id From sysIndexes Where IndId=0) Select User_name(ObjectProperty(A.ID, 'Ownerid'))+'.'+Object_name( 'Table Name', HasClustered, IA.Name 'Index 1', dbo.GetColList(, A.indid1) 'Keys of Index 1', A.Desc1 'Desc 1', IB.Name 'Index 2', dbo.GetColList(, A.indid2) 'Columns of Index 2', A.Desc2 'Desc 2' from @Duplicates A, SysIndexes IA, Sysindexes IB Where and IA.indId = A.IndID1 and IB.ID = A.ID and IB.indId=A.IndID2 order by User_name(ObjectProperty(A.ID, 'Ownerid'))+'.'+Object_name( /* GO DROP FUNCTION dbo.getColList GO DROP FUNCTION dbo.getColID GO */