Technical Article

Find data difference between two datasets


This script shows two ways to find the data difference; Data approach and Flag approach.

Please see script comments.

Declare @vSQL varchar(max)
Declare @vCols varchar(max)

Create Table vTable1 (id int, StudentID int, Dept varchar(10),BookID int)
Create Table vTable2 (id int, StudentID int, Dept varchar(10),BookID int)

Insert into vTable1
Select 1,123,'CS',465 Union All
Select 2,123,'CS',345 Union All
Select 3,223,'TE',190 

Insert into vTable2
Select 1,123,'CS',465 Union All
Select 2,223,'TE',345 Union All
Select 3,223,'TE',190

-- Get the column names from schema with case statements to get 0 or 1 as result
-- Now, this will depend upon the columns of your actual tables
-- Data approach
Select @vCols = Stuff((Select ',case when a.' + [name] + ' = b.' + [name] + ' then Cast(b.' + [name] 
            +' as varchar(10)) else cast(b.' + [name] + ' as varchar(max)) + ''(old)'' + '' '' + Cast(a.' + [name] + ' as varchar(10)) + ''(new)'' end as ' +
[name] from sys.columns
where Object_id = Object_id('vTable1') for XML Path('')),1,1,'')

-- Concatenate the @vCols with main sql
Set @vSQL = ' Select,' + @vCols + ' From vTable1 a
Inner Join vTable2 b on b.ID = a.ID '

Print @vSQL
Exec (@vSQL)

--Flag approach
Select @vCols = Stuff((Select ',case when a.' +
[name] + ' = b.'
+ [name] + ' then 1 else 0 end as ' +
[name] from sys.columns
where Object_id
= Object_id('vTable1') for XML Path('')),1,1,'')

Set @vSQL = ' Select,' + @vCols + ' From vTable1 a
Inner Join vTable2 b on b.ID = a.ID '

Print @vSQL
Exec (@vSQL)

Drop table vTable1
Drop table vTable2


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