This script creates a stored procedure that shows you a list of all the users that are locking objects on the database with mode X.
It shows a full and detailed description on the user and object locked.
This script creates a stored procedure that shows you a list of all the users that are locking objects on the database with mode X.
It shows a full and detailed description on the user and object locked.
CREATE PROCEDURE proc_lock AS SET NOCOUNT ON CREATE TABLE #lock (spid int, dbid int, objid int, indid int, type varchar(10), resource varchar(40), mode varchar(10), status varchar(30)) CREATE TABLE #who (spid int, status varchar(30), loginame varchar(20), hostname varchar(15), blk int, dbname varchar(20), cmd varchar(60)) INSERT INTO #who EXEC sp_who INSERT INTO #lock EXEC sp_lock SELECT 'X Type Lockins'='The user '+w.loginame+'(id:'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),w.spid)+') in Server '+w.hostname+' using the Database ''(id:'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),l.dbid)+') is locking a '+l.type+' with mode '+l.mode FROM #who w INNER JOIN #lock l ON w.spid=l.spid INNER JOIN master..sysdatabases d ON d.dbid=l.dbid where l.mode like '%X%' DROP TABLE #who DROP TABLE #lock