Display columns information
This procedure will return useful columns information for VB developers.
It shows column name, data type, size, vbtype, checktable (refferenced table) and flags: NoNull, IsIdentity, IsPK.
Calling sample: mysp_columns 'customers'
CREATE Proc mysp_columns (@tableName varchar(50))
IF exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].['+@tableName+']') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') =1)
a.name Name,
b.name DataType,
case b.name
when 'nchar' then a.length/2
when 'nvarchar' then a.length/2
else a.length
end [Size] ,
case b.name
when 'bit' then 'Boolean'
when 'char' then 'String'
when 'datetime' then 'Date'
when 'decimal' then 'String'
when 'float' then 'Double'
when 'int' then 'Long'
when 'money' then 'Currency'
when 'nchar' then 'String'
when 'ntext' then 'String'
when 'numeric' then 'String'
when 'nvarchar' then 'String'
when 'real' then 'Single'
when 'smalldatetime' then 'Date'
when 'smallint' then 'Integer'
when 'smallmoney' then 'Currency'
when 'text' then 'String'
when 'tinyint' then 'Byte'
when 'varchar' then 'String'
else 'Variant'
end VBType ,
allownulls NoNull ,
a.status/128 IsIdentity,
(select 1
sysobjects c_obj, sysobjects t_obj, syscolumns col,
master.dbo.spt_values v, sysindexes i
c_obj.uid = user_id()
AND c_obj.xtype = 'PK'
AND t_obj.id = c_obj.parent_obj
AND t_obj.xtype = 'U'
AND t_obj.id = col.id
AND col.name = index_col(t_obj.name, i.indid,v.number)
AND t_obj.id = i.id
AND c_obj.name = i.name
AND v.number > 0
AND v.number <= i.keycnt
AND v.type = 'P'
AND t_obj.name = @tableName
AND col.name = a.name
) IsPK,
(SELECT TOP 1 object_name(ref.rkeyid)
sysobjects c_obj, sysobjects t_obj, syscolumns col,
sysreferences ref
c_obj.uid = user_id()
AND c_obj.xtype IN ('F ')
AND t_obj.id = c_obj.parent_obj AND t_obj.id = col.id
AND col.colid IN (ref.fkey1, ref.fkey2, ref.fkey3, ref.fkey4, ref.fkey5, ref.fkey6, ref.fkey7, ref.fkey8, ref.fkey9, ref.fkey10, ref.fkey11, ref.fkey12, ref.fkey13, ref.fkey14, ref.fkey15, ref.fkey16)
AND c_obj.id = ref.constid
AND t_obj.name = @TableName
AND col.name = a.name
) [CheckTable]
syscolumns a join systypes b on a.xusertype=b.xusertype
id=object_id(@tableName) order by a.colorder
Print 'ERROR: No table named '+@tableName + ' found in ' + db_name() + ' database.'