Technical Article

Disable or rebuild all nonclustered indexes on a table


I use this when inserting data into a staging table on  a data warehouse. 

If inserting data into an empty table it is faster to insert data when the indexes are disabled and then rebuild the indexes once the insert has completed than to insert all the data with the indexes enabled.

If you disable a clustered index then you won't be able to insert any data onto the table. So this script only disables and then rebuilds nonclustered indexes.

DECLARE @EnableOrRebuild as nvarchar(20) 
SET @EnableOrRebuild = 'DISABLE'  
/* SET @EnableOrRebuild = 'REBUILD' */ -- Uncomment for REBUILD
DECLARE @TableName as nvarchar(200) = 'myTable' -- Enter your table name here
DECLARE @SchemaName as nvarchar(200) = 'dbo' -- Enter the schema here
DECLARE @Sql AS nvarchar(MAX)='';

SELECT @Sql = @Sql + N'ALTER INDEX ' + quotename( + N' ON ' + quotename( + '.' + quotename( + ' ' + @EnableOrRebuild + N';' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
  FROM sys.indexes i
 INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON i.object_id = o.object_id
 INNER JOIN sys.schemas s ON s.schema_id = o.schema_id
 WHERE i.type_desc = N'NONCLUSTERED'
   AND o.type_desc = N'USER_TABLE'
   AND = @TableName 
   AND = @SchemaName

EXEC (@Sql);


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