Reviewers: Please disapprove this change, thanks
Sorry people, I had deleted this script due to red-gate copyright issue, prior to having the copyright confusion cleared up. I will repost if reqd.
Bill-the-Cat, 2007-02-15 (first published: 2005-09-21)
Reviewers: Please disapprove this change, thanks
Sorry people, I had deleted this script due to red-gate copyright issue, prior to having the copyright confusion cleared up. I will repost if reqd.
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A short but interesting article, the author has figured out a way to create a PDF from a stored procedure without using a third party library.
2019-09-20 (first published: 2003-08-26)
73,224 reads
Robert is back this week with a look at the text data type. Not the easiest thing to work with, but sometimes a varchar just doesn't give you the range you need.
27,374 reads
Fast Track to MDX gives readers all the necessary background information needed to write useful, powerful MDX expressions and introduces the most frequently used MDX functions and constructs. No prior knowledge is assumed and examples are used throughout the book to rapidly develop MDX skills to the point where a reader can solve real business problems. A CD containing examples from within the book, and a time-limited version of ProClarity, is included
Robert is our expert on dynamic sql. This week he offers some good hints for planning the contruction of a proc that will use dynamic sql. He also adds some suggestions on how to format the code so that when you return to it later, you can figure out what you were doing!
2007-10-02 (first published: 2003-04-25)
50,618 reads
In this article Andy looks at one way you can separate your presentation code from your data when you generate HTML tables for simple reports. Lots of code examples so you can see how it works.
5,909 reads