Data Driven Subscription - SQL Server Standard Edition
Data Driven Subscriptions
The example below illustrates how to create a data driven subscription in four easy steps.
The T-SQL code stores a SSRS report on a file share and send off an email notification.
The sample is applicable for any version of MS SQL Server (2000 or higher) and the Boomerang framework (Standard Edition or higher).
The four steps are as follows:
1. Create Event
2. Create Job
3. Add content to Job
4. Release Event
The sample code includes comments in-line.
For more information please visit:
The unit of work implemented by Boomerang is called Event.
The Event is represented by a single record in the EVENT_MASTER table.
Before creating the event key (uniqueidentifier), that defines and
hold the data driven subscription together, it is need to be declared
and set.
Declare @gKey uniqueidentifier; set @gKey = newid(); -- Key for my entire event
Declare @jKey_file uniqueidentifier; set @jKey_file = newid(); -- Key for my file out job
Declare @aKey_file uniqueidentifier; set @aKey_file = newid(); -- Key for my file out report paramaters
Declare @jKey_email uniqueidentifier; set @jKey_email = newid(); -- Key for my email notification job
Insert EVENT_MASTER (gKey, Source, Created_By, Str1)
Values (@gKey, 1, 'domain\username', 'My data driven subscription');
Each event consists of one or more jobs. A job represents an actual
unit of delivery, such as email, fax, or print. Each job declares its
own content as well as how and where the job’s output will be delivered.
For example, a print job must define the path to a printer. Several
jobs can make up a single event. The jobs can be entered in any order
but there is no means to control which job will execute first or last.
Insert OUT_FILE (gKey, jKey, Path, Mode)
Values (@gKey, @jKey_file, '\\unc_path_where_the_report_will_be_saved\', 1);
Insert EVENT_CONTENT (gKey, jKey, aKey, Src_Type, Path, [Format], Name)
Values (@gKey, @jKey_file, @aKey_file, 2, 'Misc/Sales_by_Region', 'XLS', 'File_Name')
Next step is to specify what content of the OUT_FILE job.
This is done in EVENT_CONTENT and can look like this:
Insert CONTENT_PARAMETER (aKey,[Name],[Value])
Values (@aKey_file,'Sales_Period', convert(varchar(2), datepart(month, getdate())))
This e-mail will notify a user that the OUT_FILE job stored
a report ('Misc/Sales_by_Region') on a file server
Insert OUT_EMAIL (gKey, jKey, IncludeKey, [ReplyTo], [From], Subject, Body)
Values(@gKey, @jKey_email, 0, 'Datasubsriptions@my_domain', '"e-mail display name" <'">Datasubsriptions@my_domain>', 'Sales by Region', 'A copy of the monthly budget report have now been generated and can be found on the file server in this location: \\ssss\ss');
Insert OUT_EMAIL_RECEPIENT (jKey, Type, Email)
values (@jKey_email, 2, '')
/* To give the OUT_FILE job time to processes the email
notification can easily be delayed by setting the
EVENT_STATUS.Run_When field:
set Run_When = dateadd(hour, 1, getdate())
where jKey=@jKey_email
Last step is to release the event to be processed.
In this case Boomerang will send an email and store a
SQL reporting server report to a directory i.e. the two
jobs OUT_EMAIL and OUT_FILE specified above. To release the
event simply set the status to 0 as shown below:
Update EVENT_MASTER set Status=0 where gKey=@gKey;