We need some time to add the columns to Existing Table,
Then that column name already exists in the table or not?
we can use this function for dynamically execution.
We need some time to add the columns to Existing Table,
Then that column name already exists in the table or not?
we can use this function for dynamically execution.
CREATE FUNCTION Axfn_ColumnExists ( @TableName VARCHAR(100) ,@ColumnName VARCHAR(100) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(100) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Result VARCHAR(100); IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns WHERE TABLE_NAME = @TableName AND COLUMN_NAME = @ColumnName ) BEGIN SET @Result = 'Already Exsits' END ELSE BEGIN SET @Result = 'Not Available, You can create now!' END RETURN (@Result) END GO SELECT dbo.Axfn_ColumnExists('TestTable', 'ColumnName')