Check status of HEAP tables
Although it's a general recommendation to have a clustered index on a table, not every application is following this guidance. Since heap tables can't be defragged or can't get rid of forwarded records, use this script to determine potential problems. I developed this script after we had some serious problems with a heap table.
Tables with a high fragmentation/ forwarded record count or ghost record count can be fixed by either creating a clustered index or do the traditional export-truncate-import (make sure you're aware of the consequences of these actions!)
Note: By running this script your "page life expectancy" will drop significantly (due to the dm_db_index_physical_stats usage)
New version: added parameter for tablename criteria. Output by RAISERROR instead of PRINT
NOTE: if this script is not working, copy/past it into an editor and remove goofy characters
if exists (select 1 from information_schema.routines where routine_name = 'usp_heaptable_health')
drop procedure usp_heaptable_health
create procedure usp_heaptable_health @MinPages int = 2048
, @Frag_percent numeric(5,2) = 25
, @FRC_percent numeric(5,2) = .1
, @GRC_percent numeric(5,2) = 1
, @Tablepattern sysname = '%'
name: usp_heaptable_health
author: Wilfred van Dijk (,
purpose: reports heap tables with potential problems
parameters: @MinPages : minimum amount of datapages for a table
@Frag_percent : minimum percentage of table fragmentation to report
@FRC_percent: minimum percentage ForwardedRecord Count percentage to report
@GRC_percent: minimum percentage GhostRecord Count percentage to report
Although it's a general recommendation to have a clustered index on a table, not every
application is following this guidance. Since heap tables can't be defragged or can't
get rid of forwarded records, use this script to determine potential problems. I developed
this script after we had some serious problems with a heap table.
Tables with a high fragmentation/ forwarded record count or ghost record count can be
fixed by either creating a clustered index or do the traditional export-truncate-import
(make sure you're aware of the consequences of these actions!)
Note: By running this script your "page life expectancy" will drop
significantly (due to the dm_db_index_physical_stats usage)
*/ set nocount on
declare @toggle bit
declare @ObjectID int
declare @Tablename sysname
declare @ToProcess int
set @toggle=0
begin try
drop table #db03632
end try
begin catch
-- dummy
end catch
Cursor selects user tables with a minimum amount of DPages
*/ declare c_lus cursor local static for
select id
from sysindexes
where dpages > @MinPages
and indid = 0
and id > 1000
and object_name(id) like @Tablepattern
open c_lus
set @ToProcess = @@CURSOR_ROWS
fetch next from c_lus into @ObjectID
while @@fetch_status = 0
set @ToProcess = @toProcess - 1
set @tablename = object_name(@objectid)
raiserror(N'Analyzing : %s, %i remaining ',10,1, @Tablename, @ToProcess)
if @toggle = 0
into #db03632
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), @ObjectId, NULL, NULL , 'DETAILED');
set @toggle = 1
insert into #db03632
select *
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), @ObjectId, NULL, NULL , 'DETAILED');
fetch next from c_lus into @ObjectID
close c_lus
deallocate c_lus
with CTE(databasename, heaptable, page_count, fragment_count, avg_fragmentation_in_percent, record_count
, ghost_record_count, ghost_record_count_in_percent, forwarded_record_count, forwarded_record_count_in_percent)
select db_name(database_id) as databasename
,object_name(object_id) as heaptable
, page_count
, fragment_count
, avg_fragmentation_in_percent
, record_count
, ghost_record_count
, (cast(ghost_record_count as numeric(10,2))/ cast(coalesce(nullif(record_count,0),1) as numeric(10,2))) * 100 as ghost_record_count_in_percent
, forwarded_record_count
, (cast(forwarded_record_count as numeric(10,2)) / cast(coalesce(nullif(record_count,0),1) as numeric (10,2))) * 100 as forwarded_record_count_in_percent
from #db03632
where index_type_desc = 'HEAP'
select *
from CTE
where avg_fragmentation_in_percent > @frag_percent
or forwarded_record_count_in_percent > @FRC_percent
or ghost_record_count_in_percent > @GRC_percent
order by page_count desc
drop table #db03632