Identify orphaned records in a datebase.
You may use this script to indetify orphaned record in a database.
This script generate some sql queries that can help you to take a decision regarding orphaned records.
Best regards,
Lungeanu Adrian-Liviu
Identify orphaned records in a datebase.
You may use this script to indetify orphaned record in a database.
This script generate some sql queries that can help you to take a decision regarding orphaned records.
Best regards,
Lungeanu Adrian-Liviu
/************************************************************************ Documentation header *** Module : [ERP.Tools] Author : [Lungeanu Adrian-Liviu] Created: [2008.06.03] Summary: [Check FK Violations] [SQL 2000] == Change log == Author : [] Date : [] Summary: [] *** Documentation header *************************************************************************/ --// Set environment SET NOCOUNT ON SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF --// Declare variables DECLARE @tbl_ForeignKey nvarchar(255) , @tbl_LastForeignKey nvarchar(255) , @tbl_TableSchema nvarchar(255) , @tbl_LastTableSchema nvarchar(255) , @tbl_TableName nvarchar(255) , @tbl_LastTableName nvarchar(255) , @tbl_ColumnName nvarchar(255) , @tbl_LastColumnName nvarchar(255) , @tbl_ReferenceTableNameSchema nvarchar(255) , @tbl_LastReferenceTableNameSchema nvarchar(255) , @tbl_ReferenceTableName nvarchar(255) , @tbl_LastReferenceTableName nvarchar(255) , @tbl_ReferenceColumnName nvarchar(255) , @tbl_LastReferenceColumnName nvarchar(255) , @tbl_UpdateAction nvarchar(255) , @tbl_LastUpdateAction nvarchar(255) , @tbl_DeleteAction nvarchar(255) , @tbl_LastDeleteAction nvarchar(255) , @statement_init nvarchar(800) , @statement_last nvarchar(800)???? , @statement_final nvarchar(800) , @crlf nchar(2) , @RecordsNumber bigint , @ParmDefinition nvarchar(255) , @MaxRows int , @RowCnt int --// Declare table variables DECLARE @FKTable TABLE ( rownum int IDENTITY (1, 1) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL , tbl_ForeignKey nvarchar(255) , tbl_TableSchema nvarchar(255) , tbl_TableName nvarchar(255) , tbl_ColumnName nvarchar(255) , tbl_ReferenceTableNameSchema nvarchar(255) , tbl_ReferenceTableName nvarchar(255) , tbl_ReferenceColumnName nvarchar(255) , tbl_UpdateAction nvarchar(255) , tbl_DeleteAction nvarchar(255) ) --// Initialize variables SET @statement_init = N'' SET @statement_last = N'' SET @statement_final = N'' SET @tbl_LastForeignKey = N'' SET @tbl_LastTableSchema = N'' SET @tbl_LastTableName = N'' SET @tbl_LastColumnName = N'' SET @tbl_LastReferenceTableNameSchema = N'' SET @tbl_LastReferenceTableName = N'' SET @tbl_LastReferenceColumnName = N'' SET @tbl_LastUpdateAction = N'' SET @tbl_LastDeleteAction = N'' SET @ParmDefinition = N'@RecordsOUT bigint OUTPUT' --// In @RecordsOUT we receive the output of sp_executesql SET @RecordsNumber = 0 SET @crlf = nchar(13) + nchar(10) SET @RowCnt = 1 --// Declare cursor that store FK references INSERT INTO @FKTable (tbl_ForeignKey, tbl_TableSchema, tbl_TableName, tbl_ColumnName, tbl_ReferenceTableNameSchema, tbl_ReferenceTableName, tbl_ReferenceColumnName, tbl_UpdateAction, tbl_DeleteAction) SELECT --sc.constid [FKId] -- , sc.colid [ForeignKey] , 'dbo' [TableSchema] -- , [FKTableId] , [TableName] -- , sfk.fkey [FKColumnId] , [ColumnName] , 'dbo' AS [ReferenceTableNameSchema] -- , sfk.fkeyid -- , sfk.rkeyid [PKTableId] , [ReferenceTableName] -- , sfk.rkey [PKColumnId] , [ReferenceColumnName] , CASE objectproperty(sc.constid, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade') WHEN 0 THEN 'NO ACTION' WHEN 1 THEN 'CASCADE' WHEN 2 THEN 'SET NULL' WHEN 3 THEN 'SET DEFAULT' ELSE '' END [UpdateAction] , CASE objectproperty(sc.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade') WHEN 0 THEN 'NO ACTION' WHEN 1 THEN 'CASCADE' WHEN 2 THEN 'SET NULL' WHEN 3 THEN 'SET DEFAULT' ELSE '' END [DeleteAction] -- , CASE objectproperty(sc.constid, 'CnstIsNotRepl') WHEN 1 THEN 'NOT FOR REPLICATION' ELSE '' END AS [EnforceForReplication] -- , sfk.keyno FROM sysconstraints sc INNER JOIN sysobjects so ON = sc.constid INNER JOIN sysobjects so2 ON = INNER JOIN sysforeignkeys sfk ON sfk.constid = sc.constid INNER JOIN sysobjects so3 ON = sfk.rkeyid INNER JOIN syscolumns sco ON = AND sco.colid = sfk.fkey INNER JOIN syscolumns sco2 ON = sfk.rkeyid AND sco2.colid = sfk.rkey WHERE (sc.status & 3) = 3 ORDER BY ASC , sfk.keyno ASC --// OPEN cursor SELECT @MaxRows = COUNT(*) FROM @FKTable --// Check if we have what to parse, if not exit IF @MaxRows = 0 BEGIN PRINT N'No ForeignKeys to process...' GOTO EXIT_TAG END --// WHILE @RowCnt <= @MaxRows BEGIN --// Main loop SELECT @tbl_ForeignKey = tbl_ForeignKey , @tbl_TableSchema = tbl_TableSchema , @tbl_TableName = tbl_TableName , @tbl_ColumnName = tbl_ColumnName , @tbl_ReferenceTableNameSchema = tbl_ReferenceTableNameSchema , @tbl_ReferenceTableName = tbl_ReferenceTableName , @tbl_ReferenceColumnName = tbl_ReferenceColumnName , @tbl_UpdateAction = tbl_UpdateAction , @tbl_DeleteAction = tbl_DeleteAction FROM @FKTable WHERE rownum = @RowCnt IF @tbl_LastForeignKey = @tbl_ForeignKey --// FK with more than a column BEGIN SET @statement_init = @statement_init + @crlf + N' AND aa.[' + @tbl_ColumnName + N'] = bb.[' + @tbl_ReferenceColumnName + N'] ' SET @statement_last = @statement_last + @crlf + N' AND aa.[' + @tbl_ColumnName + N'] IS NOT NULL ' END ELSE --// We are on other FK BEGIN IF @tbl_LastForeignKey <> '' --// We avoid empty string BEGIN --// Skipped once at begining SET @statement_final = @statement_init + @crlf + N' WHERE bb.[' + @tbl_LastReferenceColumnName + N'] IS NULL ' + @crlf + @statement_last + N') ' SET @RecordsNumber = 0 --// Reset @RecordsNumber to 0 EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement_final, @ParmDefinition, @RecordsOUT = @RecordsNumber OUTPUT IF @RecordsNumber > 0 PRINT @crlf + N'--// FK Violation! (' + CAST(@RecordsNumber AS nvarchar(20)) + N') ' + @tbl_LastForeignKey + @crlf + REPLACE (@statement_final , N' @RecordsOUT = COUNT(*) ' , N' * ') END --// Save last record SET @tbl_LastForeignKey = @tbl_ForeignKey SET @tbl_LastTableSchema = @tbl_TableSchema SET @tbl_LastTableName = @tbl_TableName SET @tbl_LastColumnName = @tbl_ColumnName SET @tbl_LastReferenceTableNameSchema = @tbl_ReferenceTableNameSchema SET @tbl_LastReferenceTableName = @tbl_ReferenceTableName SET @tbl_LastReferenceColumnName = @tbl_ReferenceColumnName --SET @tbl_LastUpdateAction = @tbl_UpdateAction --SET @tbl_LastDeleteAction = @tbl_DeleteAction --// Prepare begining of next statement SET @statement_init = N'SELECT @RecordsOUT = COUNT(*) ' + @crlf + N' FROM [' + @tbl_TableSchema + N'].[' + @tbl_TableName + N'] AS aa (NOLOCK) ' + @crlf + N' LEFT JOIN [' +@tbl_ReferenceTableNameSchema + N'].[' + @tbl_ReferenceTableName + N'] AS bb (NOLOCK) ' + @crlf + N' ON aa.[' + @tbl_ColumnName + N'] = bb.[' + @tbl_ReferenceColumnName + N'] ' --// Need this for fields that accept NULL values SET @statement_last = N' AND (aa.[' + @tbl_ColumnName + N'] IS NOT NULL' END --// Increment @RowCnt SELECT @RowCnt = @RowCnt + 1 END --// Process last record SET @statement_final = @statement_init + @crlf + N' WHERE bb.' + @tbl_LastReferenceColumnName + N' IS NULL ' + @crlf + @statement_last + N') ' SET @RecordsNumber = 0 --// set @RecordsNumber to 0 EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement_final, @ParmDefinition, @RecordsOUT = @RecordsNumber OUTPUT IF @RecordsNumber > 0 PRINT @crlf + N'--// FK Violation! (' + CAST(@RecordsNumber AS nvarchar(20)) + N') ' + @tbl_LastForeignKey + @crlf + REPLACE (@statement_final , N' @RecordsOUT = COUNT(*) ' , N' * ') EXIT_TAG: --// Restore environment SET NOCOUNT OFF SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON