Compile the function
Execute the function checkserver
Enter sql server name
Compile the function
Execute the function checkserver
Enter sql server name
clear-host $instance ="" function checkserver { $instance= Read-Host "Enter the SQL Service Instance Name [Dont use "" "" in the servername]:" write-host "`n You entered server name as:["$instance.trim() "]" -ForegroundColor Yellow $begin = (get-date).Millisecond $serverObject = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server($instance) $instance1 = $instance.toupper() $instance = $instance1.trim(); $serverName = $serverObject.ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS $serverName1 = $serverName +"\"+$serverObject.InstanceName IF ( $serverName1 -NE "\") { write-host " `n Server: *****" "'$serverName1'" "**** exist `n" -ForegroundColor Green IF ($serverName10 -notcontains "\*"){ write-host "'$serverName10'" is a Named Instance -ForegroundColor Magenta } ELSE { write-host "'$serverName10'" is a Default Instance -ForegroundColor DarkGray } $end = (get-date).Millisecond $timeTaken = $end - $begin write-host "Time taken to search the server: ***" $timeTaken "*** Milliseconds" -ForegroundColor DarkGray } ELSEIF ( $serverName1 -EQ "\") { write-host "`n Wrong Server name entered:[" $instance "]" -ForegroundColor Red $end = (get-date).Millisecond $timeTaken = $end - $begin write-host "Time taken to search the server: ***" $timeTaken "*** Milliseconds" -ForegroundColor DarkGray } } ## EXECUTE ## checkserver