Change the collation of Columns
Problem: Your SQL server instance is running in Latin1_general_100_BIN collation. You restore a database from testing or from different environment with different collation say Latin1_general_100_BIN2. You realize that the database should be in the BIN collation and not in BIN2. So you go to properties of the database in SSMS(SQL Server 2005 /2008) and change the collation under options section. Still you get error messages on equal operations whenever you run a query or Stored Procedure.
A little further investigation reveals that the columns of some of the tables are still in BIN2 collation. How do you change the collation of all the columns from BIN2 to BIN?
Tthe code provided first checks for the database collation and lists out all the columns that are different from database collation. Once you get the list of the columns, the script changes the collation of the columns to database collation.
Note: We cannot alter columns that are depended. Something like Foreign keys, Check constraints, and Clustered indexes implies Primary keys. How ever if you have too many columns in too many tables then this code would definitely help you changing the collation.
The below script changes the collation of the columns
to the database default collation.
Please note that the collation of the dependant columns,
like Foreign keys, Indexes and check constraints cannot be changed.
For these columns we need to change it manually
***/set nocount on
@SQL varchar(max),
@tablename varchar(200),
@columnname varchar(200),
@collationname nvarchar(200),
@typename varchar(50),
@maxlength varchar(50),
@precision int,
@scale int
/********* Enter Database name here *****/select @collationname = convert(nvarchar(200),(DATABASEPROPERTYEX('<<DatabaseName>>','Collation')))
/******** Declaring table variable ******/declare @COLname Table
Collation_name varchar(100),
Column_name varchar(200),
Table_name varchar(200),
[Type_name] varchar(100),
isuserdefined int,
isassemblytype int,
max_length bigint,
[precision] int,
scale int,
[type] char(3),
iobjid int
/******* inserting data into Table variable ****/insert into @COLname
select a.collation_name, as Column_Name, as Table_name, AS TypeName,
from sys.columns a ,sys.tables b, sys.types t, sys.objects o , sys.indexes i
where a.object_id = b.object_id
and t.user_type_id = a.user_type_id
and a.object_id = o.object_id
and a.object_id = i.object_id
and a.collation_name != @collationname -- Checking for different collation
and o.type not in('PK','P','FN','S') -- Checking for depended columns
and i.type != 1 -- Checking for indexes
order by Table_name
while(select COUNT(1) from @COLname) > 0
select TOP 1
@tablename = Table_name ,
@columnname = Column_name,
@typename = [Type_name],
@maxlength = max_length,
@precision = precision,
@scale = scale
from @COLname
select @SQL = 'alter table '+ @tablename +CHAR(13)+
'alter column '+ @columnname +CHAR(32)+@typename+CHAR(40)+@maxlength+CHAR(41)+
' COLLATE '+@collationname+CHAR(13)
delete from @COLname where Table_name = @tablename and Column_name = @columnname
---- End of the script