Execute the entire script using SQL Server Management Studio.
Do not remove the last 2 drop statements to delete the temporary tables.
Execute the entire script using SQL Server Management Studio.
Do not remove the last 2 drop statements to delete the temporary tables.
/******Backup Database Size calculation Report..*/ --Note; Calculates the size if the database files are located in D - drive. select distinct @@servername 'servername', convert(varchar,a.backup_start_date,121) 'Date_time', a.database_name 'DB Name', convert(decimal(7,2),round(sum(b.file_size/1024/1024),3)) as 'Database Size in(MB)', s.physical_device_name into #t1 from msdb..backupset a inner join msdb..backupfile b on a.backup_set_id = b.backup_set_id left join backupmediafamily s on a.media_set_id=s.media_set_id where DATEDIFF(d, backup_start_date, GETDATE()) <= 180 --where convert(varchar,a.backup_start_date,101) = convert(varchar,getdate(),101) --and a.database_name in ( select name from sys.databases where database_id not in(1,2,3,4)) and s.physical_device_name like 'D:\%' and a.type = 'd' and b.file_type = 'd' and is_snapshot = 0 and ISNULL(a.is_damaged, 0) = 0 -- Excludes damaged backups --and s.physical_device_name like 'D:\%' group by a.backup_set_id, a.database_name, a.backup_start_date, s.physical_device_name order by 1--, physical_name --Lists outs how many databases are backed up . Available in the backupset table in MSDB. select distinct [db name] from #t1 select date_time, DATEPART(dd,date_time) as 'Day_of_the_month', datename(month,date_time) 'Month BKP',sum([Database Size in(MB)]) '[DB_Size]',[DB Name] from #t1 group by date_time,[db name] order by date_time -- Lists out the seerver details, date_time of the backups, database details, database bkp file size(in MB), physical location of the bkps' select * from #t1 select date_time, datename(month,date_time) 'Month BKP', DATEPART(dd,date_time) as 'Day_of_the_month',sum([Database Size in(MB)]) 'DB_Size', [DB Name] into #t2 from #t1 group by date_time,[db name] order by date_time /*** Provides details of the databases, database DB Size on a specific date, month...****/ select * from #t2 go /*** Monthwise Total Backup File size .. *******/ select sum(DB_Size) 'Final SUM UP DB Size',[Month BKP] from #t2 group by [Month BKP] drop table #t1 drop table #t2