After installing bellow procedure you will be able to easly attach workbook and read data from it.
This example shows how to attach excel file (c:\temp\orders.xls) and display data from named range (Table1):
Exec mysp_AttachWorkbook 'c:\temp\orders.xls', 'MyOrders'
Select * from MyOrders...Table1
Function to Split a Delimited String into a Table
This function splits a delimited string (up to 4000 characters long) into a single column table. The delimiter can be specified at the time of execution. If not specified, the delimiter defaults to a comma. The default length of each value is 100, but that can easily be changed.An example for usage:DECLARE @string NVARCHAR(4000)DECLARE @instruments […]
2007-05-25 (first published: 2007-04-10)
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