A new version of RowCount
Here is a (another one, but improved) stored procedure that
returns rowcounts for all
tables in the current database, or only for @tablename, if
Output can be ordered by name or by number of rows.
Improvement : Rowcount is right aligned and formatted with
thousand separator.
To use it :
- open a connection on your favorite server, master database;
- [eventually adapt the script if you prefer a space for
thousand separator];
- run the script.
Since the stored proc is named sp_ *, it can be called from
any db on the server.
[tested on SQL 7/2000]
Congratulations for your site.
Jean-Louis PAUL
if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.sp_rowcount') and sysstat & 0xf = 4)
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_rowcount
- Object : Returns rowcounts for all tables in the current database, or only for @tablename, if provided.
Rowcount is right aligned and formatted with thousand separator.
- Params :
- @tablename : a specific table
- @ordered_by_rows : (1) = ordered by rowcount DESC, (0) = ordered by name ASC
- Author : Jean-Louis PAUL
- Date : 08/07/2002
- Remark : Adapted from a script written by : douglas a. bass; many thanks to him.
*************************************************************************************************************************/CREATE PROCEDURE sp_rowcount
@tablename VARCHAR(32) = null,
@ordered_by_rows BIT = 1
IF @tablename IS not null
IF not exists (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(@tablename) and sysstat & 0xf = 3)
SELECT @dbname = db_name()
RAISERROR ('Object "%s" does not exist in database "%s" or is not a user table.',
16, 1, @tablename, @dbname)
-- Format the Rowcount with thousand separator + right aligned
SELECT 'Rows' = convert(VARCHAR(20),
replicate(' ' , 20 - len(convert(VARCHAR(20), cast(i.rows as money), 1)) + 3) +
-- >> please, uncomment the 2 lines below, if you prefer space as thousand separator <<
--replace (
convert(VARCHAR(20), cast(i.rows as money), 1),
--',', ' '),
datalength(convert(VARCHAR(20), cast(i.rows as money), 1)) - 3))),
'Name' = o.name
FROM sysobjects o
INNER JOIN sysindexes i
ON (o.id = i.id)
WHERE LOWER(o.type) = 'u'
AND o.id = isnull(object_id(@tablename), o.id)
ANDi.indid < 2
CASE @ordered_by_rows WHEN 0 THEN o.name ELSE NULL END ASC,
CASE @ordered_by_rows WHEN 1 THEN i.rows ELSE NULL END DESC