Run above query. primary keys and statistics are eliminated.
Usability is a percentage; 'used' against 'modificated'.
Sort this in the way you like (the only thing you have to add).
Run above query. primary keys and statistics are eliminated.
Usability is a percentage; 'used' against 'modificated'.
Sort this in the way you like (the only thing you have to add).
select LEFT(object_name(a.object_id),40) "tabel", LEFT(,100) "index", b.keycnt "columns", b.used/128 "MB", (a.user_seeks + a.user_scans + a.user_lookups) "used", user_updates "modificated", round(convert(float,convert(float,(a.user_seeks + a.user_scans + a.user_lookups)) / convert(float,(user_updates))) * 100,0) "usability" from sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats a, sysindexes b where a.database_id = db_id() and a.index_id > 1 and a.object_id = and a.index_id = b.indid and not like 'PK%' and not like '[_]WA[_]%' and a.user_updates > 0