Technical Article

Working with email addresses in SQL Server!

This article shows you how to design the storage for email addresses, how to validate email addresses, how to retrieve demographic information from email addresses efficiently, using computed columns and indexes. It also covers the security aspect of dealing with email addresses.

SQLServerCentral Article

Relational Database Without Relations

The strength and holy grail of relational databases lies in the very name: relations. Microsoft has put a good deal of intelligence and cunning into query optimizations, caching, indexing and execution plans to make the process of finding related records even smoother and faster. This small article, however, will try to shatter the very sacred notion of relational databases.

Technical Article

SQLClean 2.0 Released

SQLClean is a SQL Tool that automatically creates a dependancy analysis of your SQL Server Database including tables, views, triggers, defaults, procedures etc. SQLClean will also analyze a client application for depenandies on SQL Objects allowing you to detect and eliminate unused SQL objects that are unreferenced by either the client app. or database itself.


Using Flyway Prepare for State-Based Deployments


One of the neat enhancements made to Flyway was the addition of state-based workflows...

How I Migrated to Azure PostgreSQL Flex from Single Server


I did a couple of posts previously on dumping/restoring Azure PostgreSQL databases and also...

Have a Plan for Your Personal Downtime


Most of us know that spending a lot of time on social media and...

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WHERE condition using ='value' returns different results that using IN('value')

By MyDoggieJessie

Have an interesting scenario - user found a discrepancy with rows returned when running...

Complex Query (Multiple Tables & Joins) - Need to Restrict to Max Date

By gski

I am using the query listed below. USE GAGETRAK_26237 SELECT G.Gage_ID 'ID', G.Model_No 'Model',...

Unknown Token Received From SQL Server

By RonMexico

I have an issue when a stored procedure is executed from the SQL Server...

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Hash Joins IV

What is a hash bailout?

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