SQLServerCentral Article

AWE Adventures

Joseph recently had to upgrade a server from 4g to 8g of memory. Read how he did it and learn about some interesting aspects of AWE. For example, if you have 6.5g configured for use by SQL, how will task manager show used by sqlserver.exe?

Technical Article

Building Communities with Software

Steve Jones found this link that has some great thoughts on how software should be used to help build a community. Read this if you have time and post some comments. One thing in particular we liked (read the article!) were the comments about emailing responses. Your comments on this one will help us plan as we continue to try to build a better site/community.

SQLServerCentral Article

What's In A Review?

Expanding on the issue of reviewing software for SQL Server, Steve Jones proposes some standards for reviews in this article. Please take a moment to read and comment on this proposal to better help SQL Server Central.com provide you with the information that you need.

SQLServerCentral Article

The SQL Server Black Box

Have you ever had the problem where a user ran a query against your SQL Serer and crashed it or made the server unusable since the CPU was spiked at 100%? A SQL Server black box is the equivalent of a flight data record. The black box records all queries being passed to your SQL Server and other useful information like errors.

SQLServerCentral Article

Standards Are a Good Thing

This week we have another article from Andy that discusses some changes he made at work in conjunction with clustering all his database servers. Not a how-to, just comments about what was changed and why. Worth reading just for the reminder about the potential gotcha that @@ServerName can represent.


Advice I Like: Experience and Aptitude


Experience is overrated. Most breakthrough accomplishments were done by people doing them for the...

Plan Time for Self-Development


As you begin the new year, if you don't already have time set aside...

BK’s Bookshelf: Never Split the Difference


I picked up Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On...

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Insiders Selling Data

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Insiders Selling Data

Join 2 tables

By mtz676

Table A ServerName ColB ServerA C ServerA I ServerA L ServerA M ServerA N...

Impact of Not Including Foreign Keys in an SQL Archive Database

By abdalah.mehdoini

Hello everyone, I am about to start a data archiving project that will affect...

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What does it mean to quiesce a system?

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