SQLServerCentral Article

SQL Server Security: The db_executor Role

Brian will be writing a monthly column for us on SQL Security, definitely a hot topic these days! He starts off by discussing the need for a built in db_executor role and how to grant permissions manually to achieve the same effect. Terrific concept, as granting table access can lead to bad things! If there is a security topic you'd like to see more info on, post a note to the article or email us at articles@sqlservercentral.com.

SQLServerCentral Article

Webcast: 0 to Cluster in 60 Minutes-Clustering Windows and SQL Server

In this session we’ll rapidly discuss the MSCS clustering architecture and deploying the system into your environment. We’ll then jump into a demo where we actually cluster a Windows and SQL Server system in under 60 minutes. We’ll discuss the administration tools and best practices on clustering and walk you through completing a cluster and fixing problems along the way. After this session, you should have just enough information to build you own SQL Server that is highly available.


Learning Database Design and Power BI Performance


I spend my days working on and managing SQL Server instances—working days at least,...

Free SQL Training: Dive into Databases This December!


Want to learn SQL and get some real practice this December? Check out the...

Monday Monitor Tips: CIS Compliant


A new feature added to Redgate Monitor Enterprise automatically. CIS compliance is something many...

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SQL Server 2005 service fails to start

By iluminadajung

Hello, I’ve been trying to install Ms SQL Server 2005 for over two weeks...

How to Repair Corrupt MySQL Tables

By Nisarg Upadhyay

Comments posted to this topic are about the item How to Repair Corrupt MySQL...

The Funny Dynamic SQL

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item The Funny Dynamic SQL

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The Funny Dynamic SQL

What happens when I run this code:

EXEC sp_executesql N'PRINT 1; GO';

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