SQLServerCentral Article

Duplicate Indexing Woes

Why would you ever create duplicate indexes? Does that even make sense? Steve Jones isn't sure, and that's for another day, but it sure caused him some problems. Follow along and find a solution for tracking these down.

Technical Article

Superior SQL Builder v1.3 released

Red Earth Technologies announces the release of version 1.3 of Superior SQL Builder, its SQL tool that allows users to visually build complete SQL scripts without typing any code.

Superior SQL Builder introduces new SQL scripting technology, allowing users to quickly and easily transform their database data. In version 1.3 this scripting technology has been extended and enhanced so that complex SQL scripts can be built in less time and with greater ease.

SQLServerCentral Article

Codd's Rules

Frank gives us his take on Codd's Rules. If you're new to databases, this is the core theory that resulted in the development of RDBMS. If you're more experienced with databases, maybe now is a good time to return to the rules to see how you're doing!

SQLServerCentral Article

Sequential Numbering

Needing to number rows with a sequential id is a pretty common request. Sometimes it's because the user hasn't made the transition to 'set based' thinking, sometimes it really is a valid request (more or less!). Greg provides several different techniques to help you achieve sequential numbering.


Azure SQL offerings


There are three Azure SQL products with so many different deployment options, service tiers,...

T-SQL Tuesday #183 Roundup


I hosted this month’s T-SQL Tuesday party with my invitation asking about tracking permissions....

A Little Brainstorming with an AI


I was asked to do some a little thinking and brainstorming recently. Rather than...

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By tony28

Hi, Does anyone have experience with MEMORYBROKER_FOR_RESERVE ? when suddenly there is somehow constantly...

Moving Database Files

By Ahr Aitch

I just learned that my database was created on my C:\ drive in the...

Migrate MSSQL to MYSQL - Different Servers

By cajun_sql

I am needing to migrate a MSSQL db to MySQL, on a different server...

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Question of the Day

Mixed Backups

I have a complex database with a few filegroups and files. Can I run a backup command like this? (assume file/filegroup names are valid).

    FILE = N'thirdone'
 ,  FILE = N'thirdtwo'
 ,  FILEGROUP = N'second' 
 TO  DISK = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL16.SQL2022\MSSQL\Backup\complex.bak' 
 WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT,  NAME = N'complex-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10

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