SQLServerCentral Article

Lookup Table Design

Designing a SQL Server database is a challenging task. Making decisions about how to build tables, their relations, etc. can be a full time job for any DBA helping to build an application. Lookup tables are a part of just about every application that you work with or build a back end for. Leo Peysakhovich brings us an article on database design that deals specifically with lookup tables.

SQLServerCentral Article

Review: SQLCentric

Monitoring your SQL Servers is something every DBA must do. Checking job status, disk space, etc. is a frequent question seen in our forums. Pearl Knowledge Solutions has developed a product to help you easily setup monitoring on your servers from a web interface. SQLCentric gets 4 stars from author Bruce Szabo; read his detailed review on this fine product.

SQLServerCentral Article

The Bowling Challenge

Know anything about bowling? Or writing hard core TSQL? Or test driven development? Even if you don't, this might be a good way to build those skills. Write a stored procedure that can score a bowling game and you might win one of our books and a shirt!

SQLServerCentral Article

Comparison of Oracle Drivers

Oracle is usually a dirty word in the SQL Server community, but like it or not, lots of data resides in Oracle databases. And SQL Server is often used to gather this data together in a warehouse of some sort for spinning cubes, generating reports, etc. Haidong Ji looks at the various methods that you can connect to an Oracle driver and compares the speed of each. If you need to get data from Oracle, or may need to, this is the place you want to start.

SQLServerCentral Article

New Beta Search

We've been working on it over the years, trying to get some search engine that works. Well, we're trying a new one from Surfinity. Give it a try and let us know how it works. Read on for a few details about what we're using.

Technical Article

Freeware: Tablesizer

How many times do you need to estimate space for a new application? Or estimate growth for an existing one? We've had a new contribution to the freeware section of the site. Tablesizer will allow you to guesstimate how much disk space you'll need. Take a peek if you need it, rate the product and give the author any feedback you have.

Technical Article

Books on line update

Books on line has been updated since the release of SQL2000.
If you check the documentation for the sp_addlogin stored procedure and example E says
SELECT CONVERT(VARBINARY(32), password) then you should update your installation.


Plan Time for Self-Development


As you begin the new year, if you don't already have time set aside...

BK’s Bookshelf: Never Split the Difference


I picked up Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On...

Replacing Images in PBIR Format Reports


With the PBIR format of Power BI reports, it’s much easier to make report...

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how to fix this error?

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hi I am creating a stored procedure to reduce log size when needed.  I...

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