The Daily Database Build
From SQLTeam's Bill Granazio, a look at how he ensures his database scripts are always working.
From SQLTeam's Bill Granazio, a look at how he ensures his database scripts are always working.
Continuing with Dinesh Asanka's series on SQL Server and Infopath 2003, he shows us this time how to build a report that joins two tables and includes some conditional formatting. Infopath 2003 is part of Office 2003 and is a great quick and dirty tool for getting to your SQL Server data.
A short tutorial on building database back-ended applications with SQL Server and CE. If you're looking to build mobile apps, this is a good place to start.
We've added a new store section. Read on and visit to see if there's anything worth your while.
In this article, we will examine "rolling average" aggregations, a common business requirement. "Rolling," or "moving," averages, involve a measure, the average under consideration, that is aggregated over a progressively moving window of time periods.
Do you have a SQL Server disaster plan? What about something less than a disaster? Steve Jones has worked more than his share of disasters or incidents, some of them self-inflicted. He's taken some of his experience and started a new series looking at a framework for dealing with incidents. Read part 1 about getting prepared.
In this article, we began with a discussion of general business needs as related to the concept of relative time. We then undertook a practical, multi-step exercise, based upon a hypothetical business need, to illustrate a potential solution for a stated requirement.
NULL values in columns can indicate a few things, the value isn't known, it's not yet been filled in, or perhaps, as Leo Peysakhovich argues, the column isn't being used? How many SQL Server tables do you have with extra tables and columns that are not being used? Or maybe never have been? This article looks at a statistical analysis of columns using NULLs to determine if you might be able to remove certain columns.
In this article and others subsequent to it, we will focus on time considerations in our MDX queries., and how we can successfully report change over time, as well as to accumulate those changes to present the precise snapshots, trends and other time-based metrics so dearly appreciated in business.
Hurricane Charlie had a pretty substantial impact on residents and businesses in Central Florida. Andy lives in the Orlando area and wrote up some notes on the various challenges he ran into it. Out of it you might find a couple things worth thinking about adding into your DR plan.
By Brian Kelley
As you begin the new year, if you don't already have time set aside...
By Brian Kelley
I picked up Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On...
With the PBIR format of Power BI reports, it’s much easier to make report...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item The Learning Plan for 2025
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Leveraging the “STUFF” Function for...