External Article

Asynchronous client script callbacks

There has been a lot of interest in the web-facing community lately about a new useability feature that goes by a number of different names—XMLHTTP, AJAX, out-of-band requests, and asynchronous client script callbacks, to name a few.

Regardless of the name, this feature provides a way for a standard web page to make calls back to the server, without a traditional page refresh. The user is oblivious to the fact that a server call has occurred, and is not interrupted by it.

SQLServerCentral Article

Interviews Part 2

In a followup to the recent articles and discussions on interviewing and DBA skills, Sean McCown brings us a new article that looks at one situation that resulted in a rejection. Learn what you might want to work on before your next interview.

External Article

MDX Essentials: String Functions: The .UniqueName Function

n this lesson, we will examine another function / property in the MDX toolset, the .UniqueName function. The general purpose of the .UniqueName function is to return the Unique Name of the object to which it is appended. .UniqueName can be used in conjunction with hierarchies, dimensions, levels, and members, in a manner similar to the .Name function that we examined in String Functions: The .Name Function, and, also like .Name, .UniqueName can be useful in a host of different applications.

Technical Article

Regular Expression Transformation

The regular expression transformation exposes the power of regular expression matching within the pipeline. One or more columns can be selected, and for each column an individual expression can be applied. If all columns selected pass their tests then rows are passed down the successful match output. Rows that fail to pass all tests are directed down the alternate output.


Using Flyway Prepare for State-Based Deployments


One of the neat enhancements made to Flyway was the addition of state-based workflows...

How I Migrated to Azure PostgreSQL Flex from Single Server


I did a couple of posts previously on dumping/restoring Azure PostgreSQL databases and also...

Have a Plan for Your Personal Downtime


Most of us know that spending a lot of time on social media and...

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WHERE condition using ='value' returns different results that using IN('value')

By MyDoggieJessie

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Complex Query (Multiple Tables & Joins) - Need to Restrict to Max Date

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I am using the query listed below. USE GAGETRAK_26237 SELECT G.Gage_ID 'ID', G.Model_No 'Model',...

Unknown Token Received From SQL Server

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I have an issue when a stored procedure is executed from the SQL Server...

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Hash Joins IV

What is a hash bailout?

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