Viewing 15 topics - 282,601 through 282,615 (of 282,646 total)
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Not again you sigh... 🙂 Well, its on for young and old and im in the thick of it yet again. Tab…
5 replies
Hi Steve Can you show me how to CONVERT Phone Number int(10) to nvchar (14) ie: 7039225903 to (703…
2 replies
I want to convert DBase5 table to SQL Server 7.0 table with DTS package. The DBase5 table have DATE…
10 replies
We are running SQL 7.0 SP1. How do I determine which version is installed, i.e. Standard vs. Enterp…
3 replies
I am curious how does SQL Server handle simultaneous calls to the same stored procedures.For exampl…
4 replies
Hi all I read a while back (somewhere!) about what msdb stored procedures to restrict to prevent us…
6 replies
Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at…
29 replies
Hi Folks Im a Lotus notes , NT administrator living in Sydney Australia with no real sql knowledge.…
3 replies
Hello.. I was trying to write a stored procedure that could execute another row-returning stored pr…
2 replies
Hi - I am continuing to hang my EM sessions when trying to define a transformation on a very large …
7 replies
I am trying to pass one global variable into a DTS package then set other dynamic properties with t…
4 replies
Using VB code generated from scriptpkg, I have created an ActiveX DLL which imports a given data so…
6 replies
Given a choice which is the best place for the SQL server binaries?on local w2k server drive or SAN…
7 replies
can any one guide me how to take a back up and restore programatically through asp or vb. i need bo…
3 replies
I have examined the memory usage of my SQL Server 7.0 and find sqlservr.exe is using most of the se…
2 replies
Viewing 15 topics - 282,601 through 282,615 (of 282,646 total)