Viewing 15 topics - 282,076 through 282,090 (of 282,646 total)
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Would anyone please show me how to write one SQL statement, and get all the data (including student…
18 replies
I am trying to execute a package from VB6 using the ExecutePackage and LoadPackage object. I have …
4 replies
Running sp_rename, we are inserting @@error. When the procedure fails it does not provide the error…
1 replies
How would you move the user logins and passwords between two 6.5 database servers (They are not on …
3 replies
Hi ! I want to launch à DTS from a trigger. the sql statement of the DTS must be parameterized by …
5 replies
Hi, Can anyone out there help? We are restructuring our intranet to have a centralised database ser…
4 replies
Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at…
20 replies
I receive this error meassage when I try to reattach a database: (Server: Msg 3456, Level 21, State…
3 replies
I am trying to set up a trigger on a table so it will update a single field with the sum of 4 other…
1 replies
Hi, New to SQL Server 2000 Need to know how to get a list of all the tables in a database along wi…
3 replies
I wrote a DTS (SQL 7) script whose last step invokes a stored procedure. On my Dell workstation it …
1 replies
I am trying to come up with the ideal database configuration for my production database server. Th…
7 replies
Does anyone know of a stored procedure or glkobal variable that gets an SQL Server's current Servic…
3 replies
When I use OLE DB to connect to the SQL Server DB , using openkeyset cursor I open a RecordSet. If …
8 replies
I have inherited several databases and they have the set of dt_ stored procedures for sourcesafe in…
5 replies
Viewing 15 topics - 282,076 through 282,090 (of 282,646 total)