Viewing 15 topics - 281,836 through 281,850 (of 282,702 total)
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Hi everyone 😀 I want to learn more about being a DBA, what should I do?, where can I go t…
9 replies
Hello, I'm installing a cluster (in an Active/Passive setup) for the first time, and I'm running in…
6 replies
I am trying to develope a valid database response test for SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) that would test…
1 replies
I have a performance problem where I need to import a 36mb csv into a new csv file. The csv has 6 f…
7 replies
I would like to change the pk on several published tables from clustered to nonclustered for better…
3 replies
Problem: Setting up transactional replication with immediate updating between 2 SQL Server V7 serve…
2 replies
Does anyone know if the CE version is shipped on the Enterprise edition cd, or is it a totally diff…
4 replies
Does anyone know if I can call an asp page (on the same server as sql) and pass parameters to it? H…
3 replies
We have a problem that causes fields to be lost from tempdb..syscomments. I am not sure of the caus…
3 replies
I am in SQLServer 7.0 SP3 on NT 4.0 service pack 6a. I have just moved master, model, msdb, Northwi…
4 replies
Hi I would like to know if there is a way to create a script of all the current permissions for the…
6 replies
Dear all, How can I determine which user has a row level lock against a specified record? I've mana…
5 replies
Can someone help me with the following problem: I like to limit the number of users working togethe…
2 replies
Hi, is it possible to select data from a table not specified by compile-time in T-SQL? SOmething li…
15 replies
Sometimes you need to dynamically construct insert/update statement inside of your stored procedure…
5 replies
Viewing 15 topics - 281,836 through 281,850 (of 282,702 total)