Viewing 15 topics - 281,731 through 281,745 (of 282,661 total)
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Hi all Just wondering if anyone knows if I can include a global variable as part of a DTS data pump…
2 replies
How would you restore the master database in a MS Cluster Environment if your master db has been co…
2 replies
The job (executing sproc) is failing to finish s-times reporting "An exception occurred in the TSQL…
6 replies
Hi. I have this environment: I have two separate remote sites that will collect data into exact co…
1 replies
I am installing a copy of SQL 7 on one of our 2000 boxes and it is failing when the service is rest…
5 replies
Have just started doing some performance monitoring using the profiler tool. Each time a sp is call…
10 replies
I am running SQL Server 7 SP3 on NT SP6. We moved the server from one domain to another. I changed …
7 replies
I really only have 5 days knowledge on replication but my question is 2 fold: 1. What does the 'Exc…
2 replies
I will be upgrading our database server from SQL Server Service Pack 2 to Sercice Pack 3 to address…
7 replies
Prior to version 7 you could specify that tempdb resides in ram. This feature has been taken away …
7 replies
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('MSDASQL','Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};DBQ=C:\;','SELECT…
8 replies
I am wondering if there is a way to set up an automated process to import a coma delineated text fi…
4 replies
Can anyone help me set up sql mail profile in SQL 2000? Thanks
8 replies
I am having problems assigning global var, if I write a simple query such as: " select getdate() " …
1 replies
Any help would be grateful. I am trying to bulk insert large files into a SQL 7.0 table. I have a…
2 replies
Viewing 15 topics - 281,731 through 281,745 (of 282,661 total)