Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 306 total)

  • RE: SQL Server Agent


    We recently changed administrator passwords on all our servers, but everything seems to be correct in the settings and i'm nearly positive...

  • RE: Query Execution Plan

    Running sp_updatestats is an excellent start! Do remember to due this off hours on a production database. Depending on the size of your tables, this process can be time consuming...

  • RE: ServicePack 3

    I agree with Andy, but when I say backup in this case - I'd say everyhting.

    MS is notorious for changing DLL and updating the registry. I'd image copy off...

  • RE: Moving SQL 6.5 logins

    My solution comea with my compliments to Brian Moran in an article he wrote

    You Can Transfer Encrypted Passwords Across Servers.

    For more info see

  • RE: Moving SQL 6.5 logins

    In 6.5 that would mean moving all the logins including sa - I'd prefer not to that. I would also have to drop all the logins on the dest server....

  • RE: Color Poster of 2000 System Tables Schema

    Why would our good friends at Microsoft make us by 25 copies of this poster? Just wanted one. I'll bite the bullet when I get them in I'll be sure...

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 306 total)