Viewing 15 posts - 1,501 through 1,515 (of 1,883 total)
If I am going as far as moving SQL Server whole installation I would rename drives so the path will be the same.
I did had cases where I myself wanted to...
May 24, 2005 at 1:49 pm
We had several domain migrations and I recently tried to answer someone elses similar question. Please read of the possible renaming issues in my reply for the topic "Convert...
May 24, 2005 at 8:33 am
Did you try a second job (not a second step) that will run 10 min after your job starts and will check on sysjobhistory in MSDB looking for run_status and...
May 23, 2005 at 12:52 pm
I would also consider application requirements. Some applications require specific connection information and not all of them will work with named instances. Also named instances support not all of the...
May 23, 2005 at 10:18 am
Do you write code? Like VB or VBscript?
I think your questions are very good and as a proof here is a reference to Microsoft article that shows how to...
May 20, 2005 at 3:23 pm
I would set up an administrative alert in Performance tools
Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools ->Performance
Expand Performance Logs and Alerts (on the left) -> Alerts
Right-Click ->New. Give it a name....
May 20, 2005 at 10:12 am
I do have the same issue when using Linked Server too in addition to my Openrowset query.
Could you post here how did you change those settings? So far I found...
May 20, 2005 at 9:12 am
Here is an explanation of CREATE PROCEDURE Books Online topic.
"SQL Server saves the settings of both SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER and SET ANSI_NULLS when a stored procedure is created or altered. These...
May 19, 2005 at 12:54 pm
This is just a login idea. If I move SQL logins to a new server then I use 3 parameters to sp_addlogin: login name, password and SID that I get...
May 19, 2005 at 12:48 pm
1. Can you see SQL performance counters in System Monitor?
2 Download Scriptomatic tool from Microsoft website
Run it (scriptomatic.exe), it will unzip the following files: scriptomatic.hta and "Write WMI Scripts Like the...
May 19, 2005 at 12:12 pm
This article did not help so far. One of the machines did not have this checkbox checked , I checked it, the same error. And in some cases I am...
May 19, 2005 at 11:57 am
Well, almost. In case of a single long logged transaction involving many rows the log may fill even with Simple Recovery Model.
I had to help out with a case this week when someone...
May 18, 2005 at 2:58 pm
I found the weird thing: I am getting MSDTC error connecting to LOCAL computer!
I am running the script from Windows 2003 server.
I just switched the originator server to another...
May 18, 2005 at 12:31 pm
Hi all,
I do have the SAME problem. I almost posted it here a couple of days ago and then I found out that out of 3 Windows 2003 servers 2 servers...
May 18, 2005 at 10:50 am
Hi to all,
I had one server that had i-don't-know-what in the Application log, as gladiator says. Everything is fine with EM, but the log problem is sort of... I can see...
May 17, 2005 at 9:09 am
Viewing 15 posts - 1,501 through 1,515 (of 1,883 total)