Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

  • RE: Patch Week

    +1 to the "not a fan of the CU vs. SP release schedule" camp.

    As already mentioned, it appears that the Service Pack release schedule plays second fiddle to...

  • RE: SQL 2005 x64 and SQLH2

    Well, I was playing with this sourcecode earlier this week. I took my config file & copied it into my bin\debug folder and it appears to be pulling data...

  • RE: Need a spot-check on this trigger

    well, some of this advice assumes that sp_send_dbmail communicates with your mailserver in real-time; this is not the case. There are certainly issues about transactions, the virtual inserted &...

  • RE: Linked Server Password

    funny, I found myself doing almost the exact same thing. We've got a linked server configured on an old (and soon to be retired..) box. We're trying to...

  • RE: SQL 2005 x64 and SQLH2

    I have a way of finding these posts late...

    anyway, here's an entry on Connect that is related, although it doesn't mention x64 explicitly.

  • RE: scheduling a SSIS package

    personally, I'm a fan of running packages via CmdExec. That way, you can have the agent log the output to a standard textfile for simple debugging (vs. using the...

  • RE: Full-text search is too slow

    that's odd.

    a CONTAINS clause should be at least as fast as a LIKE clause for a small table such as that, and faster for a very large table.

    a) the FullText...

  • RE: The Effect of NOLOCK on Performance

    no idea if the situation would be similar, but...

    I recently ran into some problems with an app that used parameterized queries generated by some OO middleware. This middleware was...

  • RE: The Effect of NOLOCK on Performance

    no problem Colin, I didn't give a whole lot of detail in that post.  If each webpage had just a single database query behind it, that would have been nice. ...

  • RE: The Effect of NOLOCK on Performance

    as the former DBA (admin/architect) for a fairly high-traffic website, I can say that the NOLOCK / ...READ UNCOMMITTED hints proved to be invaluable.  By high-traffic, I mean > 1...

  • Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)