Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)

  • RE: Reference tables and performance


    This looks really interesting!

    Nevertheless, you cannot insert any data that is using these references until you have completed your above algorithm.  Indeed, your data tables must contain the indices, so...

  • RE: Reference tables and performance


    Thanks a lot for your input.

    I agree with you on the char vs. varchar point, but I am ready to trade size for speed if needed, and I wonder whether...

  • RE: Temporary tables in stored procedures


    Sorry for my lag, it's been a hard week! 😉

    Thanks for the info Jonathan.

    I finally found where all my memory goes:

    select count(*) from syscacheobjects

    returns about 60000 thousands objects, accounting for...

  • RE: Temporary tables in stored procedures


    Forget about the #tables, I already got the answer!

    I re-read thoroughly the memory management sections of Inside SQL Server this week-end (as if I had nothing else to do! 😉


  • RE: Temporary tables in stored procedures


    Thanks for the info.

    But my problem is not to limit SQL Server memory usage; it's alone on its box and can take whatever suits it fine.

    No, what I want to...

  • RE: Temporary tables in stored procedures


    Jonathan: Thanks!

    Thanks also for the link - but my problem is not to have the memory decrease: it's to make it stop increase!

    That is: SQL Server memory increases relative to...

  • RE: Using 3 GB of RAM


    Thanks a lot for your replies!

    See you,


Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)