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Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • Reply To: case statement with and like operators

    Ed, yes, I was seriously confused about those characters, didn't realize they were supposed to be the less than/greater than symbols.

    That code is now running without error, but the problem...

  • Reply To: case statement with and like operators




    WHEN custid like '%abc%' and company = 'abc'

    then null

    ELSE custid


    from Dtl1 t1

    left outer join Customer t2

    on t1.Company = t2.Company

    and t1.CustNum = t2.CustNum

    join Reason t3

    on t1.Company = t3.Company

    and t1.ReasonCode= t3.ReasonCode

    join Head1...

  • Reply To: case statement with and like operators

    With those new characters, I get the following error message without displaying the change:

    "An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected."

  • Reply To: case statement with and like operators

    Thanks Phil, I'm not getting any errors, however my returndate restriction is no longer working,

    (where t4.ReturnDate >= DATEADD(yy,-2,DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE()),0)))

    it is pulling all results, instead of those just going back two years.


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