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  • Reply To: Help on excluding dates



    , A.CName

    , A.OutsideId

    , DATEADD(hour,-5,A.CompletedOn) AS PostedDate

    FROM Audit A


    (WITH PostedHistory AS




    ,       MAX(a.CompletedOn) as LastDate

    ,       DATEADD(DAY, -3, MAX(a.CompletedOn) OVER()) AS CutoffDate

    FROMAudit a

    WHERE a.DisplayName = 'TestFloor'

    AND a.Status...

  • Reply To: Help on excluding dates

    Thanks for that, guys!  That does work for getting the results I need from that part of my query.  I'm joining these results into a larger data set via an...

  • Reply To: Need help on a query, not sure if PIVOT is what I need to use

    Nice!  Some of that is a bit over my head, but it does work!  I'm going to have to really dig in to that solution to better understand it!  Thanks,...

  • Reply To: Need help on a query, not sure if PIVOT is what I need to use

    Ah, yes... that did it.  Sorry, I should have caught that!  Many thanks for the assistance!

  • Reply To: Need help on a query, not sure if PIVOT is what I need to use

    Thanks for this!  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but it's not liking the dates as columns.  They're all producing errors as such:

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line...

  • RE: SQL Query Help

    My apologies, I think I misstated what results I was looking for.  I just want GUIDs that DON'T have a FieldName = 'Reason.Reason'

  • RE: SQL Query Help

    That's exactly right.  THose are the 2 ID's I want to return.  But when I change to != from = I get 0 results again.  My apologies, I think I...

  • RE: SQL Query Help

    That's exactly right.  THose are the 2 ID's I want to return.  But when I change to != from = I get 0 results again.

  • RE: SQL Query Help

    Well, that brings back the 3 rows that have reason.reason.  i want/need to return the ones that don't have FieldName = 'Reason.Reason'.

  • RE: SQL Query Help

    Tried that with my sample data, but get 0 results:

    from #temp_data a
    where not exists (select * from #temp_data b where = and...

  • RE: SQL Query Help

    Here's a sample data set... my result set would be the following GUIDs that don't have at least 1 instance of 'reason.reason':


    The other...

  • RE: Getting max(date) and relevant unique GUID

    Thank, Guys.  I'll give both a shot.  Side note:  I'm using a single cust_id to validate my data... would both of these solutions work with multiple cust_id's?

  • RE: DateDiffs across multiple rows in a dataset


    Understand about the protocol. Thanks for the clarification! I'll be sure to adhere to the process in the future if needed.

    The sql you provided was exactly what I...

  • RE: DateDiffs across multiple rows in a dataset

    Looking for a new column with the difference between most recent and it's predecessor. A dataset such as this:

    CustomerID, CustomerName, AuditNum, AuditDate, DateDiff

    11111, Cust1, 1, 2015-10-01, 0

    11112, Cust2, 1,...

  • RE: Average of time between multiple dates

    Many thanks, guys! Both seemed to work for what I needed!

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)