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Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 61 total)

  • Reply To: Where Does NoSQL work well?


    Graph databases are ones where I feel there is a lot of potential but now we have graph capabilities in SQL Server. I think we need some really good examples...

  • Reply To: Where Does NoSQL work well?

    a relational store is likely better

    It is important to remind everyone that a relational DBMS is not a way of "storing" data. The relational model provides a logical interface to...

  • Reply To: Evaluting a DBA

    Dr Codd described a relation in a way that described what we think of as a record or tuple

    A relation (in the relational model) is more equivalent to a table...

  • Reply To: Evaluting a DBA

    Although ERD are typically used to visualize relational models, it could also apply to multi-dimensional and other models, so long as you have a more flexible definition of what an...

  • Reply To: Evaluting a DBA

    Despite the apparent complexity at the mathematical level

    The mathematical level is much simpler than SQL. The mathematical definition of a function is much simpler than the programming language definition -...

  • Reply To: Evaluting a DBA

    any restrictions on the level of temporal resolution

    Is there ever a business case for having the time expressed down to microseconds? I recommend reading Flash Boys - A Wall Street...

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by  will 58232.
  • Reply To: Evaluting a DBA

    It just because data is related to other data.

    Codd called his invention relational because it is based on the mathematical construct of a relation. This represents a relation between sets....

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by  will 58232.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by  will 58232.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by  will 58232.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by  will 58232.
  • Reply To: Evaluting a DBA

    Anyone yet to take me up on explaining why a relational DBMS is called "relational"? It's a pretty fundamental question for a DBA.

  • Reply To: Evaluting a DBA

    CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is an ISO Standard supported by Oracle and DB2 so that's not an excuse.

    Which would explain why they don't know about getdate() - thanks by the way, I prefer...

  • Reply To: Evaluting a DBA

    would you actually want to hire someone that claims to know T-SQL if you ask them how to get the current date and time using T-SQL and they HAVE to...

  • Reply To: Evaluting a DBA

    Ask them about real situations or problems. See if they teach you anything or approach a problem in a better way. See if they bother to ask me for more...

  • Reply To: Evaluting a DBA

    Some more questions for the senior candidate

    What do you understand by closure in a relational context?

    What transformation rules would you apply to simplify queries and check constraints?


  • Reply To: Evaluting a DBA

    What answer are YOU looking for?

    Why is it called relational?

  • Reply To: Evaluting a DBA

    Ask someone if they know why an RDBMS is called relational.

    Is no one going to take the bait?

  • Reply To: Evaluting a DBA

    Ask someone if they know why an RDBMS is called relational.

    The majority of candidates will give the wrong answer. This doesn't mean they should be rejected - they just need...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 61 total)