Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 185 total)
Come on guys, this is the first attempt. I admit the video ad was excessive and only the detach video link works, but lets face it the first page did...
December 16, 2004 at 1:50 am
Sorry Steve, this time the award goes to Razvan Socol, far and away a much quicker, easier and simpler solution
December 15, 2004 at 2:28 am
Microsft SQL Server 2000 Administrators Companion
ISBN 0-7356-1051-7.
Hard to go wrong with a book writen by the company who created SQL Server.
December 14, 2004 at 3:40 am
You could always set up incramental loading on your larger tables.
Also a similar post that might be worth looking at -
December 10, 2004 at 2:28 am
Try this
** Check to see if a file exists
DECLARE @chkfile INT
EXEC@chkfile = sp_MSget_file_existence 'C:\boot.ini', @exists = @exists output
IF @exists = 1 ...
December 2, 2004 at 7:09 am
You can't have any clustered index on a different filegroup than your table, primary key or not.
December 2, 2004 at 7:04 am
If this Year to date data is just so you can load it in a cube you don't need it, Analysis Services has a Year to Date function that will...
December 2, 2004 at 6:49 am
There's a very good reason you've only found one-to-many examples. Many-to-many would prove very problamatic. One solution may be using MDX for working out "custom member formula" and unary oprerators...
November 24, 2004 at 8:41 am
Try previous link -
Also some ones put it in pictures
Hope this helps
November 19, 2004 at 3:56 am
Have a look at a previous post - and see if that helps in any way
November 11, 2004 at 5:09 am
If you use a SQL task rather than the Excel connection it is possible, plus you eradicate most of the problems that come with the Excel connection. One major problem...
November 3, 2004 at 3:35 am
If I were you and I could finish up in two weeks I'd take a short holiday and drive it, taking in some fantastic sights on the way. But that's...
October 20, 2004 at 1:45 am
We pre-heat the cache for some things not for others. It's all specific to users/ cubes and response times.
Each company will query cubes differently throughout the day so there is...
October 15, 2004 at 2:28 am
I've been playing around for a better way and come up with this.
Tail(Filter([Time].[Month].Members, NOT IsEmpty(Time.CurrentMember)),1).Item(0)
It should be quicker as there's not converting strings to members
October 14, 2004 at 8:48 am
Yes, this is possible.
The cube role editor allows you to restrict on multiple dimensions at a time.
Open cube role manager, click restricted dimensions for the user/group and then under...
October 12, 2004 at 2:15 am
Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 185 total)