Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1,111 through 1,125 (of 1,220 total)

  • RE: Huh? Enterprise Manager will not open.

    I'll check my logs, didn't think to look there. I uninstalled and reinstalled, no change. I understand that MMC is just a gui, but it's still broken. ...

  • RE: Huh? Enterprise Manager will not open.

    Have you had any luck? I just had the same thing happen, I reinstalled SQL, and it still doesn't work.

    I'm hoping that you were able to make it work...

  • RE: trigger vs referential integrity

    You could trap the execution of the trigger by putting in code that would insert a record into a log table, it's similar to the technique for producing audits. ...

  • RE: isnumeric() yielding SURPRISING results - very odd

    It's been ages since I worked in fortran, but Frank mentioning that brings that unfortunate aspect back.

    I suppose the variable prefix made sense to some compiler designer, I'm just glad...

  • RE: LEN() anamoly

    Nice trick displaying it as a varbinary, I'll have to remember that.

  • RE: Compound Primary Keys

    saving my text before hitting "Post Reply" this time

    Philip, Philip, Philip! 144 posts and you haven't learned to compose big replies in Word yet? 🙂

    I've lost more than one...

  • RE: Compound Primary Keys

    Sorry, I have to disagree. I'm not going to cite references or argue performance because I have none at hand. I've been doing database development in a number...

  • RE: Using Technology to Terrorize

    Air travel is pretty much the last bastion of relative quiet. Cell phones should be banned. Go ahead and keep the air phones, executives who need to be...

  • RE: Reminiscing

    Let's see....

    Hardware: Honeywell mainframe of unknown type, TRS-80 Model I, TRS-80, M-100 (I still have it and it still works!), Apple ][ etc., Original 128k Mac, Original 4-screw IBM PC,...

  • RE: Vacation!!

    Brian...your joke reminds me of a song I heard in Jamaica - it's about this young lad who falls in love - tells his father - and the dad says...

  • RE: Hiding System Tables

    That's because Remi is either (a) an AnswerBot, (b) a lightly-loaded manager who has nothing better to do than to scan forums and provide good answers, (c) a multi-tasking alien...

  • RE: Get different rows

    And make sure you have good indexes, that will greatly improve join performance.

  • RE: Alias Name in Where Conditions

    My only problem with "WHERE Basic > 100" is that, although they are equivalent, you get some bleary-eyed programmer in at the end of a 13 hour day and it...

  • RE: How to skip the records

    Gak! My bad! Comes from not being in the office for a month and a half. Got married June 4, F-I-L passed away June 15 (it was...

  • RE: How to skip the records

    Ummm.... have you considered modulo? I don't recall seeing it mentioned in the solutions proffered thus far.

    where RecordNum % 3 = 1 returns every third record, assuming RecordNum is...

Viewing 15 posts - 1,111 through 1,125 (of 1,220 total)