Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: backup 20x larger than database file

    Thank you very much for your help.

  • RE: backup 20x larger than database file

    Does FULLTEXT=0 means it is not enabled ?

    What has to done ? Can I drop it an recread ?

  • RE: backup 20x larger than database file

    Is it possible to take a backup without the index ?

  • RE: backup 20x larger than database file


    Sorry, I didn't saw that there was already a next page :doze:

    The full text directory is 120 GB. Found it 🙂

    Can we shrink these files or are there other solutions...

  • RE: backup 20x larger than database file

    What would be the problem with "FULLTEXT 0"

  • RE: backup 20x larger than database file

    I removed ",CompressedBackMB = a.compressed_backup_size/1024/1024"

    because of the following message:


    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'compressed_backup_size'.


    pleinplus_restyle2012-06-22 03:27:51.000\\\dbdump\pleinplus_restyle_backup_201206220134.bak129690.64794921875

    pleinplus_restyle2012-06-23 03:26:16.000\\\dbdump\pleinplus_restyle_backup_201206230135.bak129709.89697265625

    pleinplus_restyle2012-06-24 02:37:54.000\\\dbdump\pleinplus_restyle_backup_201206240134.bak129709.32763671875

    pleinplus_restyle2012-06-25 03:23:31.000\\\dbdump\pleinplus_restyle_backup_201206250135.bak129710.51611328125

    pleinplus_restyle2012-06-26 03:27:40.000\\\dbdump\pleinplus_restyle_backup_201206260136.bak129716.01806640625

    pleinplus_restyle2012-06-27 03:26:03.000\\\dbdump\pleinplus_restyle_backup_201206270136.bak129721.14794921875

  • RE: backup 20x larger than database file

    Thank you to look in to this problem.

    Here you can find the results

    pleinplus_restylePleinplusS:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\pleinplus_restyle.mdfROWS6428

    pleinplus_restylePleinplus_logT:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\pleinplus_restyle_log.ldfLOG19

    pleinplus_restylesysft_zoektekstS:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\FTData\zoektekstplepl_restyleFULLTEXT0

  • RE: backup 20x larger than database file

    Yes, it is still the same size

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)