Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: locking - update statement

    the users can do a dirty read on the table while it is being updated!! of course their results are not durable after the update.

  • RE: Limit the power of Query Analyzer?

    Did you try creating app role for the application alone to use? you can restrict access to everyone other than the application.


  • RE: Sequential Numbering



    here is how you can do it.

    example in notrhwind db

    select  customerid, orderid,  orderdate, freight ,(select count(*) from orders y where y.orderid  <= x.orderid and y.customerid = x.customerid) as seq_num


  • RE: User Defined Function Returning a Table

    all you need to do is use dynamic sql to build you function and create it. You can prebuilt all you basic definitions and plug in the column names and...

  • RE: Retrieving a Database Name

    all you do is select db_name()

    or select db_id()



  • RE: Nested select statements / running total

    I am too confused too by the post. anyway the simple method to get a running total is to sum the measute within a subquery , for all ranges below...

  • RE: SQL Server performance - Production Server issue

    From what you have posted it is apparent that the automatically grow file is not set the same way in development and production. Never use the default 10 percent, for...

  • RE: dead lock

    choose the appropriate transaction isolation level for each of the processes that were dead loacked. it should solve your problem.

  • RE: help !!! on xml auto

    could you please post your generic proc.. I would greatly appreciate that..



  • RE: Reducing allocated space

    try to use sp_attach_single_file_db to get a new log file...

    pardon my terrible typing errors(previous reply)

  • RE: Reducing allocated space

    try to use ap_attch_single_file_db to get a new log file.

  • RE: Shrink command

    "Shrinking the Transaction Log" is an excellent topic from BOL to answer this topic . It has a clear illustration as to what happens when you shrink the logfile.


  • RE: Login Failure for SQL Agent

    builtin/administrators can be removed to deny access to sqlservers for local admins.

    problems would arise if jobs need to do network access on that server, then not only "SA" level access...

  • RE: truncating log files


    I am using following command for truncating the log files. Is this the correct method to trucating the log files.

    Is there any...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)