Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Removing Carriage Returns

    The replace doesn't work directly to the column, with the substring the sentence works

    Create Table #tablename(columnname text)

    Insert Into #tablename

    Select 'Please post

    the contents '

    Select * From #tablename

    Update #tablename set columnname...

  • RE: Removing Carriage Returns


    Try this

    Update tablename set columnname = replace(replace(substring(columnname,1,datalength(columnname)), char(13),''), char(10), ' ')

  • RE: New Report with "save as" ?

    In the Solution Explorer select "Report_1" and press Ctrl+C, now click in Reports and press Ctrl+V, this will generate the report "Copy of Report_1", only rename the "Copy of...

  • RE: I want to get Distinct Values From Table

    Hi, this works with 2000 and 2005

    Create Table #t2(ID int identity, Column1 nvarchar(100))

    Create Table #t3(Column1 nvarchar(100))

    insert into #t2

    select 'Value1, Value2'

    union all select 'Value1, Value3'

    union all select 'Value1, Value2'

    union all...

  • RE: I want to get Distinct Values From Table

    I send you something that hope help you

  • RE: Evaluate a string Expression

    Create table #t (ID int, Expression nvarchar(100), Expression2 nvarchar(200) null, Resultado real null)

    insert into #t (ID, Expression)

    select 1,'8*(1/2)-6' union all

    select 2,'278*(1/4)-2' union all ...

  • RE: To display a column value for every row if its repeated in report builder.


    In the journal and article fields properties there is a checkbox that say "Hide duplicates", this shouldn't be checked

    I send you screens

  • RE: Reporting Services 2005: add ±, %, average in a matrix table


    I hope this help you, this is a trick, I can't do it in the matrix, but it can be in a second table...

    1. In the dataset that fill the...

  • RE: Problem with compilation of SQL Code

    This isn't a procedure, I dont' know where are you traying to execute it, but if you execute the next lines in SQL should work...

    Create table #tblCustAttrDefValue(a int, b...

  • RE: Problem with compilation of SQL Code


    This works, but you should take care in the first evaluation, this should enter once

    Create table #tblCustAttrDefValue(a int, b varchar(10), strValue nvarchar(5))

    insert into #tblCustAttrDefValue

    Select 1, 'oo', 'vamos'

    declare @var int

    select @var...

  • RE: Convert Rows to columns so...


    I hope this will help you

    Create Table #tblRooms(idRoom int, vcRoom int, ID int null, ID2 int null)

    Insert Into #tblRooms(idRoom , vcRoom)

    select 1, ...

  • RE: Table Sub total problem

    your expression works, this is the same, this should be in the footer of the group


Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)