Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 194 total)

  • RE: Tracking Down Severity 20 Error

    The first error message actually looks a lot like the dynamic packet sizing (autotuning) in Windows 7 and what it did to places like (i.e. disconnect every few seconds).


  • RE: Please help with Query

    Short answer is yes you can, but it will probably take Pivoting work and maybe some Dynamic SQL. It would be easier to do a single column with all...

  • RE: system stored procecures

    I thought it was a fine question.

    I'm surprised by the number of people who are complaining about the existence of a Test2 db or not. I would have...

  • RE: A Bulk-Copy error

    well, from a troubleshooting standpoint it looks like you aren't defining values for your switches of -T and -c... you do for -t (a comma). I've never used the...

  • RE: Inserting Newlines in Text feld

    If you are looking at the results in SSMS grid you will only get a single line. the Char(13) + Char(10) of ANSI (or is it ASCII?) new line...

  • RE: It’s Good to Eat Alone

    I tend to eat "alone", but this is because I'm usually talking to the wife, taking a power nap, reading, or otherwise distracting myself from work. I typically have...

  • RE: Concurrency

    Hey guys,

    Score another victory for Jeff and Tally Tables. That is the solution. Using the previously dictated table and entries here's the code. Yes I'm going to...

  • RE: store procedure

    ferrarielly (7/28/2011)


    I have this store procedure..the problem is that the result is for all fields NULL

    What is wrong?

    alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[LITABVERIFICAGIACENZA_INSERT] (@Codarticolo VarChar(50),@codlotto VarChar(50)OUTPUT,@giacenza decimal(38,6) OUTPUT, @datamodificalotto datetime output) AS


  • RE: Concurrency

    After I posted I realized I hadn't included any sample code, so here is the sample I've got that doesn't work correctly. A coworker wrote this originally but...

  • RE: NUMA

    I always think of the internet video "NUMA NUMA Yea"

  • RE: That case filter

    Interesting question... Has nothing to do with a case filter at all. This is a gotcha question seeing if you can spot the extra UNION ALL... it's somewhat misleading.


  • RE: For And ForEach Loops

    if you are required to use loops, look up either the CURSOR keyword or the WHILE keyword. Advice is, Loops are fine for administrative operations... please don't use them...

  • RE: First Normal Form

    James Goodwin (7/1/2011)

    When I first read this article I was surprised by the statement that having a list in a column could be 1NF if the database was never asked...

  • RE: First Normal Form

    The relational theory is not confined to Codd's writting. It has evolved and will still evolve.

    The only key in relational theory is the candidate key. Or just "key". There is...

  • RE: First Normal Form

    I thought it was a very good article. Perhaps a few more illustrations of the "normalized" tables that you described (ER diagram maybe?). As to the Anti-NULL zealots......

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 194 total)