Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)

  • RE: convert subquery to join statement

    Sorry for the use of NoLock, currently I am working on a reporting system and addicted to it.

    Yeah, you can avoid using NoLock.



  • RE: convert subquery to join statement

    Select a.*,b.OrderId

    From Orders a(NoLock)

    Left Outer Join [Order Details] b(NoLock) On (a.OrderId = b.OrderId)

    Where b.OrderId Is Null


  • RE: subtracting one table from another

    This would also do the same


    Delete from A

    Where KeyColumn  In


    Select KeyColumn from B


    Select KeyColumn from C


  • RE: Execute a set of files containing code from Query Analyzer

    Thanks a lot.

    I have all the SPs in files and not in SQL Server.

    I want to fetch code from each file (in Query Analyzer) and then do as you said...

  • RE: Case Statement

    I am looking for something like this


    Declare @i int

    Set @i = @parameterValue

    Case @i

    When @i=1 Then

    Statement 1

    Statement 2


    When @i=2 Then

    Statement 1

    Statement 2



    When @i=1 Then

    Statement 1

    Statement 2


    END         --End of...

  • RE: Case Statement

    Hi everyone,


    Thank you for the help extended.

    Basically what I want to describe the same as Nicolas Donadio has described i.e. the basic case statement in most of the software's syntax is in...

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)