Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)

  • RE: [dbo].[sysusers] column issue

    The problem is that I dont have a way if changing the source code. this is an old ERP system (PSI) that its was based on SQL server 7. now...

  • RE: Payroll Database

    Albania, I dont know if you heard about that..

  • RE: Payroll Database

    This Payroll System will not be apply to USA System. This will be in Europe. That's why we need a Unique System since the most of Software system are based...

  • RE: Payroll Database

    Our Boss wants something unique not one off the Shelf. Plus the Application will be simple just keeping monthly payroll and reports

  • RE: next row Number

    thank you all I found the right Solution. Here is if someone is interested:

    SELECT case when Max(Id)+1 is NULL then IDENT_CURRENT ('tblJobs') else Max(Id)+1 end from tblJobs

    this one solves...

  • RE: next row Number

    There would be a problem with my first Item. It will not return 1 it will return null......

  • RE: How to Update duplicate records in table

    HI, Im using something like that But Im handling in the Code:

    protected void EditStaffRoles()




  • RE: Pivot Tables

    Thanks Jason ,

    I got it working by using RowNumber = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Order BY ProductName)

    Thanks everyone for all your help

  • RE: Pivot Tables

    For somehow it doesnt work on my database. Actually i display the klient code Also( The code of the person that Sell this products) When I have more than One...

  • RE: Pivot Tables

    HI Jason

    thanks for the Query but I still dont get the Expected results. It repeats the same product name for the same client three times?????

    Seems like the ProductName soesnt...

  • RE: Pivot Tables

    here is a sample of the Query . From the query below Im getting only the Totals Order Amount in Dollars for each Product quarterly.

    I want to display also...

  • RE: Using Date Param

    Hi have you ever try to use varchar instead of datetime parameter??

    In UK system is better like that:

    declare @start_date as varchar(10)

    set @start_date = convert(varchar, '24/07/2007', 103)


  • RE: need help to create students accounts!!!

    HI, I think its best for yu to create the database for each one so you have control and Assign a single user to single database. That way the...

  • RE: Need ASPX page example for ReportViewer Control

    see attached

  • RE: Excel Report

    that did the Trick

    Thanks a lot

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)