Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 40 total)

  • RE: Date Range Parameters

    drew.allen (12/9/2011)

    JonFox (12/8/2011)

    I think you may be trying to do something like this:




  • RE: Date Range Parameters


    CASE WHEN @PrmDateDim= 'CreationDate' THEN (Case WHEN L.SALESSTATUS = 1


  • RE: Date Range Parameters

    Just overlap is fine. I got nothing so far. I have been thinking but couldn't get any thing. Thanks for the reply.

  • RE: PIVOT in oracle--Code Correction


  • RE: Newbie--Help

    Daniel Bowlin (6/10/2011)

    If you can't restrict the original query, then add a filter to the dataset that restricts the result. This is way easier than trying to do something...

  • RE: Conditional Counting

    Yes this is Oracle.

  • RE: Conditional Counting

    I just made this table for testing purposes.No indexes and keys required.

  • RE: Conditional Counting

    Thanks for the replies guyz..




    TRANS_DATE ...

  • RE: Case help

    This is the answer

    Basically, the idea you put in the TypeRankValue column the priority of this address, so that might be something like

    With cte As

    (Select c.customerId,c.CustomerName,c.CustomerNumber, c.address, c.addressTypeId,


  • RE: Parameter Visual basic

    It's possible, may be not in visual basic but

    =IIf(JOIN(Parameters!salesPersonID.Label , ", ") = JOIN(Parameters!All_ADUserList.Label , ", "), "ALL", JOIN(Parameters!salesPersonID.Label , ", "))

    I created another dataset All_ADUserList same SQL as salesPersonID...

  • RE: Help a T-SQL Newbie

    This is helpful.Thank you.

  • RE: Help a T-SQL Newbie

    Thank you so much. This helps. But i see SQL is too big as compared with Oracle. Could you also please help display the dates as Monday,Tuesday,....sunday or atleast Mon,Tue,...Sun.

  • RE: Divide problem in SSRS

    I opened the dataset and clicked on run and it went through. When i run this in Toad it gives me the result.:-D

  • RE: Divide problem in SSRS

    select 2/3 tru from dual

    Its not T-sql its oracle. Thanks.

  • RE: Syntax error

    In the parameters i did allow multiple values. If unselect that report works fine. Can we write the expression in such a way that it accepts multiple values.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 40 total)