Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 595 total)

  • RE: ''''joehack''''

    ALZDBA is correct. The code that you provided in your original post included this:

    select @OUTPAR4 'joehack'

    select @OUTPAR5 'joehack'

    This is not assigning the string 'joehack to the variables.

    Each SELECT will return...

  • RE: Date/Time Function


    Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) is GMT minus 4 hours, Eastern Standard Time (EST) is GMT minus 5 hours. If both the server time zone and the company location timezone...

  • RE: Restoring latest backup via T-SQL

    Another option is to use the WITH INIT clause as part of your BACKUP command. That way, you don't have to deal with media sets at all.

  • RE: invalid object

    From the error message, I appears that Patient_Dem2 is a table (or a table-valued user-defined function). Assuming a table, three things come to mind:

    1. The database context is wrong.

    2. The...

  • RE: invalid object

    What type of object is Patient_Dem2? Table or stored procedure?

    What do you get when you run the following query:

    SELECT t.uid

         , t.[name] As ObjName

         , u.[name] AS UserName


  • RE: Verify this please

    Actually, I would use a query similar to this:

    UPDATE online

       SET [columnA] = offline.[columnA]

         , [columnB] = offline.[columnB]

      FROM nc_incident_materials AS online

      JOIN dev.test_ed.dbo.nc_incident_materials AS offline

        ON online.nc_incident_materials_id...

  • RE: Restore Error


    The Append and Overwrite options available when backing up a database using Enterprise Manager equate to the NOINIT (default) and INIT options in T-SQL. NOINIT stores multiple backups in...

  • RE: Windows 2003 and SP_change_users_login


    If you execute this code:

    SELECT isntname, [name]

      FROM sysusers

     WHERE isntname = 0

     ORDER BY isntname, [name]

    is one of the users you are trying to fix displayed?

    (Comment out the...

  • RE: date format

    No, in SQL Server 2000, GetDate() cannot be used directly inside of a UDF.

    You can a achieve this through a view, though.

    CREATE VIEW vGetDate AS SELECT GetDate() AS...

  • RE: UTF-8 Problems with ODBC

    Windows and SQL Server use UCS-2 unicode, which is a fixed-length 2-byte format. UTF-8 uses 8 bits for some characters, and 16 bits for others. Maybe the characters you are...

  • RE: Views and Horizontal Portioning

    Table partitions are new to SQL Server 2005. Many companies still use SQL Server 2000, so it is still worth discussing partitioned views.


    I ran the following test, and @@ROWCOUNT return 3, as expected. The difference here is that I don't have access to a remote server. However, since you are inserting data...

  • RE: Error 1540 when querying database

    Does the query join other tables? If the total size of the result set is larger than 8060, you will get a similar error. In that case, you will have...

  • RE: Please Help

    Yes, I see that now. The code you posted had a bug in it (still used the e.rownumber alias in the derived table query), and I didn't look closely at...

  • RE: Please Help

    First, change "e.rownumber" to rownumber".

    Now, the remaining problem is with the WHERE clause. You cannot use the column alias (rownumber) - the original expression must be used.



    April 9, 2007 at 7:09 am


Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 595 total)