Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

  • RE: Job fails but Job History shows success

    Thanks Sue & Jeff for the suggestions.  Jeff comes the closest.
    The backup jobs call one stored proc that backs up the database (db name passed in as parameter).  So, the...

  • RE: Permissions error

    I don't know what caused the problem, but I have a work-around that appears to be working.  I deleted the two individuals completely from SSRS and then granted the same...

  • RE: Permissions for Merge Replication

    Hi Prettsons,

    Thanks for reading my post. The article you suggest is the same article I was asking about. The article says the subscriber must

    "Be a login associated...

  • RE: user defined function causing error

    '10-45' is not stored in a supposedly integer column. I'm not the expert, but I don't think I can store '10-45' in an integer column. It's selected from...

  • RE: user defined function causing error

    I'm sorry I wasn't clear.

    I'm not asking anyone to look through the code. I'm asking what causes it to run differently when run as a function verses...

  • RE: Will changing time/timezone cause problem(s)?

    By the afternoon, the server time had changed (IT Guys or synch'ing with something? I don't know). The time was correct for the timezone, but that was still...

  • RE: Changing alt snapshot folder for merge replication

    Well, thanks anyway.

    In a test environment, I've changed the publication with sp_changmergepublication, created a new snapshot and then reinitialized the subscriber. Worked fine.


  • RE: Trigger to encrypt a column

    I appreciate you taking the time to look through my code and comment.

    With all due respect, I disagree. It does not look good to have a column 'SSN' that...

  • RE: Where clause - Decrypt column or hash?

    A salted hash made sense as a way to search for ssn(s).

    Each row would hold a unique salt, the salted hash of the ssn and the encrypted ssn.

    1. ...

  • RE: Where is Maint. Plan/SSIS task history stored

    You are correct. msdb..backupmediafamily is exactly what I was looking for.

    Now I'm a little confused, though.

    In the backupmediafamily table on my production server, I see a...

  • RE: restoring system db's to new server

    Thanks for all the replies and time you spent.


    My current/old server has all my data in c:\mssql. This sql2005 was an upgrade from 2000 (and maybe sql...

  • RE: DateTime

    select datediff(dd, 0, getdate()) returns 40295 and is calculating the difference from today back to some date in 1753.

    This returns 40348 today (2010-06-21). 40348 / 365 = 110.5.......

  • RE: Copy from a table then delete

    If the "Every 5 minutes or so" is important, this suggestion won't work.

    Create Table A (

    pka int identity,

    fld1 Varchar(32))

    Create Table B (

    pk ...

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)