Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)

  • RE: What is the Maximum Page Size in SQL Server 2000?

    Here it is 6 years later and still there is no better explanation of the problem of page size and the 8060 vs 8039 discrepancy. Your article is a...

  • RE: Deleting Child Data Based Upon Criteria in the Parent Table


    The example was based around a parent - child relationship wasn't it ? I can't imagine a parent-child relationship where I would...

  • RE: Deleting Child Data Based Upon Criteria in the Parent Table

    Two comments:

    First, thanks I did not understand the SQL-92 usage of the addtional FROM clause which allows the join. I knew there had to be an easier way to do...

  • RE: Cursors - Are they always the wrong way


    Question: If you need to loop through several records to do work, such as updating status of items when orders are...

  • RE: AutoNumber Field?

    I believe you need to check the Enable identity nsert box on the DTS transformation. I know it should be assumed, but it isn't.

    Edited by - tpantazi on 01/15/2002...

  • RE: SQL-VB Interface

    If you pass the date as a string with no time components and use a convert function in the inset statement, it will have no time value.

    Thom Pantazi


  • RE: Using COM to Encrypt Passwords

    It would nice if the code for the DLL were posted. It appears the DLL only matches of the first three characters. Am I missing something...

  • RE: Write to Text File

    Duh, why I couldn't think of this I don't know. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. The ASP method of writing a file was really a work around...

  • RE: Multile Port IP Addresses

    Thanks a bunch, you've been a huge help. May I bother you for one more thing?What kind of router you are using? Is it for DSL?

    Thanks Again.



  • RE: Multile Port IP Addresses

    BTW, I'm sure this is obvious but, I replaced the real public IP addresses with

  • RE: Multile Port IP Addresses

    I've looked at the NAT setup screen on my router. The screen offers no place for setting up separate ports:

    +--Private Address--Public Address----Port-------------+
  • RE: Multile Port IP Addresses

    That is exactly what I'd like to do. I have a Netopia R3100-I v4.8.3.


    sorry for the typo: map the port.

    Let me...

  • RE: Multile Port IP Addresses

    The firewall is a Netopia Firewall/DSL Router.

    I do not understand 'most the port'. Using the server network tool, all I seem to be able to do is set up...

  • RE: I dont trust my client

    I agree with Steve. A couple suggestions:

    Use a registry entry to hold a count of registrations. Most people don't have a clue...

  • RE: Memory

    I stand, er sit, corrected. My old and feable mind tends to get the tech terms mixed up. I meant partitioned views but we are moving to a...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)