Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 61 total)

  • Reply To: An Upgrade Slog

    Been a few years since I've done a multi-restore version upgrade, but there was a couple years where it happened often enough that I had a virtual box spun up...

  • Reply To: Five Years and Counting

    My employer standardizes on Dell for everything.  Aside from the "Dell Tax" the only complaints I've ever had with them are a spat of bad batteries 5-6 years ago which...

  • Reply To: Managed Instance Impressions

    We were in on the Beta for the managed instances service as we had several groups quite excited about it.  Having just completed a lift and shift of five datacenters...

  • Reply To: Multiple Display Productivity

    My current home / work setup is dual LG 27" monitors attached to a KVM switch connected to my home and work laptops (monitors are running at 1080 so not...

  • Reply To: Backing up and Restoring a 3 terabyte database takes over 5 hours

    If your cloud is Azure.....

    Another thing to look at is weather you are exceeding the maximum I/O throughput threshold for either the VM or the destination disk for your backups. ...

  • Reply To: The On-Call Load

    "A common theme is that there is a minimum number of people needed for a support rota.  Below that and you risk burn-outs and resignations."

    Definitely.  In the 2007-2009 timeframe our...

  • Reply To: The On-Call Load

    Our DBA team supports 24/7 production facilities so we definitely have an on call rotation.  We organize our systems so each has a primary and backup DBA.  When an after...

  • Reply To: Protecting Off Hours

    Because my company operates manufacturing facilities (many 24-6 or 24-7 operations) across time zones, after hours work is part of the job description.  It's a known quantity going in and...

  • Reply To: How Often Do You Update SSMS?

    I update SSMS on my laptop only rarely (still running 18.9.1).  On servers it only gets updated when there is a security fix.  Given the level of disruption involved with...

  • Reply To: Portable Data Storage

    I guess I'm a luddite as I use flash drives or SD cards almost daily.

    SD cards for transferring files to the 3D printers (not network enabled devices) or from any...

  • Reply To: Don't (Always) Be a Hero

    Long ago when I was a young IT pro and still had that fresh out of school shine, I had dreams of an exciting IT career.  I was quickly instructed...

  • Reply To: Declining Work for Mental Health

    Most stressful year of my career was 2019 due to the projects involved.  Three datacenter migrations, several distributed applications doing once a decade level upgrades with almost no back out...

  • Reply To: repeated login failures.

    As others mention the correct fix is to get them to stop the failed logins.  Depending on the size of your organization that may take awhile.  In the meantime something...

  • Reply To: How Wrong is Stack Overflow?

    Lack of dateline and dateline only at the bottom of the post are both pet peeves of mine.  Back around 2015 when the company I work for was moving everything...

  • Reply To: Creative Development

    I used to support an application that did consolidated reporting of data from remote sites.  Each remote site had a small Oracle database server which contained the data.  On the...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 61 total)