Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 178 total)

  • RE: Insert Statement taking too long

    *** EDITED By Toni/// removed as I had picked the wrong column to try the null where clause with

  • RE: Insert Statement taking too long

    Maybe one of you can help me to understand how this would be an okay comparison?

    ON T.CardNo = I.CardNo COllate database_Default


    If I.CardNo is Null...

  • RE: How to add cost percentage to product

    Here is a solution with test data for your original grid of increase base on one set of units changing.

    declare @product table (prodid int identity(1,1), prodname varchar(8), cost...

  • RE: How to add cost percentage to product

    For the initial posting you can try

    select size, baseprice,

    Case when size<=3 then baseprice

    else baseprice + (baseprice*(size-3)*0.40)

    end as newprice

    from yourtables


  • RE: President Obama Stimulation plan and trend for SQL jobs in 1-5 years.

    When do we start the thread where we can posit our views on religion now that we have one for politics!!!

  • RE: President Obama Stimulation plan and trend for SQL jobs in 1-5 years.

    It might be best to wait and see what is actually signed. From a high-level view there are supposed to be funds for getting health care information accessible...

  • RE: Updating Summarised Tables

    I did not test this part out but it should work too for the updates... Still has to be run before Inserts or Deletes.

    -- do the updates without needing a...

  • RE: Updating Summarised Tables

    Let me see if I have this correctly then. The Summary Table is only updated based on the changes being made as reflected in your recently received (extract)...

  • RE: Updating Summarised Tables

    It's hard to answer without having a lot more information. In general doing anything row by row is SLOW compared to using a set-based operation. It's...

  • RE: how get primary key in any database

    To be clearer, as you can name the primary key anything you want the statements from the article would miss any that do not begin with 'PK'.

    declare @name_pk varchar(255)

    select @name_pk...

  • RE: how get primary key in any database

    This information can be gotten despite how the constraint is named this way:

    SELECT Table_name, constraint_name


    WHERE constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY'

    then you can use the table_name and constraint_name to...

  • RE: Tips for New DBAs

    Hey Bot. Maybe the article was copied from another site where someone else had already posted a plagiarized version so they thought it was safe?

  • RE: Help with a lookup query

    Expert is a highly objective term relative to where one stands - believe me I am not one though there are surely experts by any definition on this site.

    Since you...

  • RE: Help with a lookup query

    Well that is certainly a challenge Andy. As the new formula (where grades are determined as the average of the score values of the first 3 questions/answers Times the...

  • RE: LEN Command

    It makes perfect sense. Glad you got it worked out.

    Of course you could also use Jeff Moden's tally table method to pull out values from delimited strings or...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 178 total)